ODY-C #2
Writer: Matt Fraction
Written by: Dan Slott
Art by: Giuseppe Camuncoli
Event fatique is a real thing, and lately I've been feeling it pretty intensely. Every time it's the
Welcome back to Collective Consciousness, our weekly article where the staff takes one comic and puts it under the microscope. This allows us, and you, faithful reader, to get a good i
Words by Ryan North
Art by Erica Henderson
Color Art by Rico Renzi
If you
Written by: Christopher Sebela
Art by: Diego Barreto
Holy guacamole is this co
The beast awakes
Writers: John Arcudi, Mike Mignola
Artist: Alex Maleev
Publisher: Dark Horse
Hellboy remains apprehensive but de
"In a situation like that, fear spreads like wildfire"
Writer: Donny Cates
Artist: Daniel Warren Johnson
Publisher: Dark Horse
Written by: Ron Marz
Art by: Abhishek Malsuni
And here is the comic which keeps surpr
This article will contain spoilers regarding the plot of Thanos vs. Hulk.
After the release of Thanos: The Infinity Revelation, cosmic comic leg