Escape From New York #2

by RobertJCross on January 07, 2015

Written by: Christopher Sebela
Art by: Diego Barreto

Holy guacamole is this comic good or what? Snake Plissken continues his romp around the southern United States, specifically Florida, which the backstory for is actually some of the most inventive writing I've seen in recent times. In this issue he finally sits down with "The Twins" and almost meets his maker a few times, but in true Snake fashion, he gets out of peril almost effortlessly. Later, he meets up with a fortified swamp city and that's when this comic turns into an almost Rambo-esque action movie. No complaints here, I'm all about form over function sometimes and this comic delivers the goods.

Sebela's dialogue captures the 80s action grit that you'd expect from this thoroughfare. Snake's attitude jumps off the page and you're left with all the glorious moments from the films in your head. I actually re-watched both Escape from New York and Escape from LA before beginning my reviews on this run, I'm glad I did, because a lot from those films shines through into the book. What did I expect from a comic that was personally giving blessings from John Carpenter himself? I don't know, but I thought something would be off and I'm glad that I was wrong.

The art is seriously gorgeous and Barreto holds nothing back when drawing Snake or any of the other characters. My favorite aspect of the whole grand picture is that you feel like you're looking at actual Floridian things while reading and the action shots are also drawn to perfection. The fluidity of Snake's movements really adds to the believability of the character. I'm not saying that the drawing isn't cartoony at times, because it most definitely is, but it's a Cartoon Network after midnight kind of cartoony. A perfect fit for this world and for Snake Plissken.

I'm telling you right now, it's good. Check it out!

Our Score:


A Look Inside