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  • I had an English teacher this year that was something of a scholar when it came to Vampires. That sounds ridiculous (and it is ridiculous, but in a nice sort of way), but it’s true. And, because it was an English class, there were thorough amounts of dicking around and generally not getting any work done. One


    I’ve decided, because I’m an adult and occasionally have the weight and power to decide things, that I’m going to start writing blogs about each of the Trades that I read. Though there are some weeks where I get my fill of writing from

  • On behalf of myself , Stephen & Bobby, Comics The Gathering wishes everyone a safe & Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

    Remember to take full advantage of your time off to relax, have a nice eggnog with rum & read a shit load of comics.


    Welcome to the conclusion of my 8 examples of exceptional art in comics. Continuing in the same vein as Part 1, this is a list of 4 more comics that succeed in providing a distinctive mix of originality and excellence in their illustrations.


    With this list I have tried to keep a steady balance of both popular and underrated books. Now obviously, with only eight examples, I cannot help but leave out many noteworthy mentions that have more than

  • 10. Legend of Luther Strode #2 (of 6)

    Writer: Justin Jordan   Artist: Tradd


    The 90's were hard times for comics. I could spout off an abundance of cliches regarding Rob "Pouches" Liefeld and the general bombast of the industry at the time, but that would be cheap.

    All I really have to say is: Superman had a mullet. Anything else one can say about the dark blot of comic book history


    Comics are a wonderful literary medium; in their pages we find some of the most heroic characters, fantastically enticing stories, and remarkably cerebral plotlines. They possess the funniest of dialogues, and detail the most tragic of misfortunes. They give us all of the wonders that we find in the greatest of novels, but also something more. The true draw of a comic isn’t simply its masterful writing—it’s the combination of an excellent script and beautiful


    A frequent debate I have often entertained with other history geeks goes something like this:  If you could chose, would you rather live during the dawning of a great civilization such as Greece or Rome, or would you rather experience the final days that great civilization?  It is an incredibly interesting question that can ignite many an argument.  You see, being born during the formation of a great civilization or empire means a lot of hard work, but at the

  • The Martian Manhunter has always been one of my favorite DC characters. The Martian Manhunter or J'onn J'onzz (his real name)  has never been a bestselling character but has proven to be a appreciated character never theless.


    The Martian Manhunter first appeared in the silver age of comics. His first appearance  was in the Detective Comics series. Later J'onn would join the Justice League. Being a member of the justice

  • Before you read any further, there are many spoilers on this list. You’ve been warned! With Halloween just around the corner, I started to have dark thoughts, thoughts of what would be the scariest moments in comic books. They could be moments of fear & despair or disturbing moments or even moments of pure shock value. This was a challenge coming up with a top 10 list, it would’ve been easier to write a list of horror movie moments, because movies have sound, music and jump
