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  • Hello my little goblins, welcome to my Hideaway of Horror! Every week I'll be posting blogs, thoughts, news, movie reviews, comic reviews or top 10 lists on everything that is the beautiful and nasty realm of horror. For my first entry, I give you my review of Train to Busan. Enjoy freaks! 

    All aboard the chew-chew train, as fast moving zombies attack passengers on a

  • Since I was very young I have loved Superheroes they have subsequently become my life. I remember being very young and just enamored with Richard Donner's Superman movie. Then like any child of the 80s, Saturday morning cartoons were everything. I was introduced to Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends and as many were drawn to Spider-Man
  • Sam Alexander and Richard Rider by Ramon Perez

    Comics, at least American superhero comics, which is what this article/diatribe is mostly about, are a weird medium. I think it was Matt Fraction who talked about the illusion of the second act in comics, and he roughly said something like how, after introducing the reader to their

  • This is our interview with Jason Inman, co-host of DC All Access, Jawiin, who also works for Screen Junkies, about his comic book Jupiter Jet.

    How did you get into comics?
    It really started out with me buying my first comic book in Walmart which was Batman #466, where Batman was tied to a rocket. After that it was really me reading the Death of Superman, because it really truly introduced me to the world of DC. After that I just

  • This Wednesday we get a brand new Assassin's Creed series and we got to sit down with Dan Watters to talk about the book and what we can expect from this exciting new series.

  • I'm good at remembering a lot of things, mostly trivia or facts I've learned over the years, but one thing I'm not good at remembering is what I've read this year. I read so many books, both old and new that it's hard to keep track of what was even published this year, so trying to come up with a top ten is so hard to do. I tried to think of single issues, but let's face it the way comic stories are told the very rarely wrap up in a single issue. So instead of focusing
  • We have been getting some really great titles this past year, so I wanted to talk about the most surprising, that is the most improved titles or the ones I didn't expect to be as good as it was. This is partially my thoughts with some assisstance, from the marvel and dc reddit.


  • It was near Halloween 1992 when my dad got me it. It was a reprint issue "Silver Age Classics" printed above the title. A familiar character was on the cover, one that I'd seen on tv, one I had action figures of. Swamp Thing, and the book reprinted: House of Secrets #92. My first horror comic. I'll never forget reading it, I was hooked. Although the Swamp Thing character was the star of the book it was the other stories in it that fascinated me, from the bridging
  • Rian Heist is a board game creator and comic book fan. Over the past 2 year he's taken to Kickstarter to finance seven different games. I talked to him about his latest, Golden Age-inspired project, the Great Comics Adventure.

  • Hi folks, my name is Dorlan and I am the new member of team Comics: The Gathering. My duty and honor will be to bring you guys reviews for new episodes of Flash. This blog post should serve as my introduction and a little review of last season.

    First thing you need to know about me, and I can’t stress this enough: I am not a professional. I love movies and TV shows and dedicate a large amount of my free time towards them but you should read my reviews for what they are: one
