Together, we will get through this By Wes Greer It is a crazy time in the world right now. The outbreak of the COVID-19 virus has impacted just about every single person in the world as well as many industries and businesses. The comic book industry has been one of the hardest hit during this time and we have all seen the news titles come across our screens where we feel the gloom and doom. However what we aren’t seeing is what is really going on right now and that is why I wanted to take the time to publish this article because I feel it is important that a story like this comes out

DC Comics reveals returnability plan for retailers amidst COVID-19 pandemic In just the last couple of weeks,, the comic book industry has taken a massive hit because of mandatory stay at home orders and fears of spreading the COVID-19 virus which has caused many local comic shops to either close or lose a massive amount of customers coming in. This week the industry hit a new low with Diamond Comic Distributors announcing they would not be sending out any new issues starting this week. Many publishers have been working on new ways to get comics out and other methods to continue sales and

The bande dessinée (comics) world lost an icon this week. Albert Uderzo, co-creator and illustrator of Asterix & Obelix, has died. He was 92.   I remember when I was kid, getting interested in books and literature, I’ve read a few books, whether it was for school or just for fun. But my first love was comics, but before Spider-Man and Batman, there was Asterix & Obelix. It’s the story of two best friends who live in an ancient Gaulish village in 50 BC who resists the oppressing Romans with a magic potion created by their druid which gives them super human

Legends of the Dork Knight Special Guide to Joker War DC Comics Hey guys. I thought I would take the chance to give you an official Comics The Gathering checklist to the upcoming Joker War, which is set to be the biggest DC Multiverse crossover event since  The New 52 when Scott Snyder gave us the Night of the Owls story in Batman. Since James Tynion began his run in Batman with issue #86, he’s been laying out the groundwork for the epic and possible final battle between the Dark Knight and the Clown Prince of Crime himself and fans can’t get enough! I’ve seen tons of

Legends of The Dork Knight #4 March 2020   Well, here we are again! The start of a new month and March is always one of my most favorite months. My birthday is in March and is followed by the antics of St. Patrick’s Day and also the return of warm weather, well for me here in Florida anyway. March is also a great month for comics and comic news, and we get a lot of previews for what’s to come over the Summer months. Since my last issue there has been quite a bit of news released concerning the Dark Knight so let’s jump in! The “Murphyverse” expands!

Harley Quinn and I have always had a warmish relationship; I love seeing her in reruns of Batman: The Animated Series, thoroughly enjoy her appearances in the DC animated films, and absolutely adored her role in Tom Taylor’s Injustice series. Beyond that, however, Harley’s own comics always seem to find their way to the bottom of my ever-growing list of things to read; when Suicide Squad happened in 2016, she shone as the film’s centerpiece. Brought to life by the stellar Margot Robbie, Harley and her cotton candy-tipped blonde pigtails, trusty baseball bat and iconic trashy


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