Fantastic Four #3 Review

by Charles Martin on November 14, 2018

Fantastic Four #3 Review
Writer: Dan Slott
Artists: Sara Pichelli & Nico Leon
Colourist: Marte Gracia
Letterer: Joe Caramagna
Publisher: Marvel Comics

In their reviews of #1 and #2, my CTG colleagues pointed out that that the title's creators were engaging in a lot of set-up that, taken on its own, wasn't quite as a great as it should be. I fully agreed with that sentiment; in fact, before today, I believed Marvel Two-In-One was a better FF comic than the new FF. 

But today, I'm the lucky reviewer on deck when all the groundwork comes together and the Fantastic Four reunite properly


Yes, Reed's big twist at the end of #2 introduced a cast o' dozens to bolster the roster for the Ultimate Fight with the Griever. 

(Aside note: What does the very well-established Lady Death think of this trendy Griever person swiping her schtick?) 

But contrary to what the solicit would have you believe, the guest stars play a relatively minor role in this story. What's the best way I could explain it? Why not just tell the truth? Reed called in all his hero-friends mainly so that his family has time for a big hug before they swing into the fight themselves.


The breathing room isn't just symbolic, though; Franklin is the good guys' biggest gun and he needs some moral support to get him back in fighting trim. 

The beating heart of the book (for me, anyway) is Franklin's pep talk. The guest cast makes another contribution when Spidey attempts to deliver an Nth variation on the old "great responsibility" chestnut. The Thing physically plucks him out of Franklin's face to deliver a superior, wholly family-oriented message.

Again, d'aww!

My raving up to this point should hopefully make it clear that this issue is bang on the money in terms of tone and characterization. It does a fine job when it comes to plotting, too. A lot of dangling threads are neatly tied off. Reed carves a fairly solid place for the Griever in the Marvel pantheon (still, though, I bet Lady Death ain't happy) and Sue pins down the length of time the Future Foundation has been Star-Trek-ing across the multiverse (it's five years).

And best of all, Reed solves the Griever conflict with absolutely classic FF strategy. If it weren't done so exceptionally well, it might come across as a ripoff of the Galactus Trilogy. But it's refined enough - and there are such integral roles in the plan for Franklin and Valeria - that it stands on its own clever feet.

This issue's visuals do an admirable job of carrying lots of emotional weight and keeping a complicated fight organized. The two pencillers collaborate impressively, creating a nearly-seamless unified style. The character design work is excellent; I'm particularly struck by the consistent way Reed's lankiness is emphasized throughout the issue. 

The colours also contribute meaningfully. The general palette is wildly vibrant. Good shading work lends weight to all the great characters in play. And the backgrounds turn to flat, high-intensity red at a few key points to set off truly important moments - not just an epic Clobberin' Time, but also a key brainstorm for Valeria.

Fantastic Four #3 caps off the family reunion story with all of the wit and heart that was missing from previous issues. It's a thoroughly satisfying conclusion and a powerful, past-due demonstration of what this creative team can do with the title. This volume needed to take a big leap forward; #3 makes an impressive vault and nails the landing, too.

Our Score:


A Look Inside


Charles Martin's picture
I still dunno about the kids' codenames, though. Powerhouse and Brainstorm? They're gonna stay Franklin and Valeria to me, thanks.