Collective Consciousness Old Guard #1

by stephengervais on February 22, 2017

Welcome back to Collective Consciousness, our weekly article where the staff takes one comic and puts it under the microscope. This allows us, and you, faithful reader, to get a good idea of how the comic fares against a variety of opinions. This week we're taking a look at new series from Image Comics, Old Guard #1.
Image solicit: “the story of old soldiers who never die...and yet cannot seem to fade away. Trapped in an immortality without explanation, Andromache of Scythia - "Andy" - and her comrades ply their trade for those who can find-and afford-their services. But in the 21st century, immortality is a hard secret to keep, and when you live long enough, you learn that there are many fates worse than death.”
Written by: Greg Rucka
Art by: Leandro Fernandez
Publisher: Image Comics
Old Guard is a book that starts of with a really cool premise, but really catches your attention as you go further into the story. It follows the adventure of a group of people that are immortal as they basically work as mercenaries. In particular it follows Andy as the book starts off with her saying that whatever she tries to find some form of satisfaction in life, but never really does seem to ever find it. This is an interesting idea which definitely seems like it will be explored more as the book goes on. The book also focuses on this black soldier called Nile who is basically involved in a similar raid not too dissimilar to the one on Osama Bin Laden, and it seems she has also developed powers. My only complaint is the art wasn't really good, especially as it distorted the faces, however on the whole this book is solid
Jason James
So Old Guard was okay. I enjoyed the story enough. It's been a long time since I read anything written by Greg Rucka, and it was pretty good. The concept was interesting, but I felt like the story was lacking development in this opening chapter. The story got me interested enough but I just wanted more. Either way I liked the story. I wasn't a fan of the art. It wasn't a style I like, I did however like the action scenes, they were well done. I found the colours a little too odd, everything has a pink or purple hue and I don't like it. The art doesn't take away from the story though.  7/10
Forrest Hollingsworth
"What an absolute home run of a first issue. Unlike last week’s WildStorm which I knew would take some time to really grow on me, Rucka has hooked me immediately. Combining some beautiful and varied Mignola-esque art with an intriguing, bordering on masterful in media res storytelling, Rucka and Fernandez have delivered a pitch-perfect first issue. 
These incredible tableaux of color, action and narrative all kind of interspersed in an equally overwhelming and sensible way really draw you into the world, giving the reader enough to latch on to in both character and hook but leaving things somewhat unexplained, a layered intrigue waiting to be unfurled. 
The pages could use a little more rigidness, as some scenes are muddled, leaving actors and actions demanding a re-read of the page but otherwise this is great stuff, something I’ll be on the lookout for in the future."

Our Score:


A Look Inside


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