Avengers Vs X-Men : Consequences #2
Let me first start off by saying how uninterested I was in in Avengers Vs. X-Men and how I reluctantly read all twelve issues—not being one to miss a major event in the Marvel Universe. Despite that previous statement, I am actually enjoying Consequences very much. While the first Issue was a little slow for my liking, I found the second to be wildly captivating.
The meat of the issue focuses on Wolverine going to speak with an incarcerated Cyclops for the purpose of tracking down the renegade mutants that got wrapped up in the Phoenix nonsense. This is where the surprise came into play for me. We all know that Wolverine and Cyclops dislike each other, and nearly every one of their interactions ends with violence or threats to the same end. That dynamic remains, but there is another force at play that I really connected with. Wolverine needs something from Cyclops and the truth is that they need each other, sort of a Kirk to Spock deal. Just like Spock, Cylops comes off as cool and calculated, possessing an eerie omniscience. There is a lot talk about martyrdom and junk like that, but the real fun goes down when, Cyclops, sitting alone against a wall, speaks aloud to himself, “Cyclops was right.” This was a fun send off to fans who have been relaying this message across the interwebs—reminiscent of the old (2009), Magneto was right, days.
Captain America being a turd aside, lets talk fundamentals. Kieron Gillen produces some nice words and Steve Kurth’s art is spot on. ‘Nuff said.
I very much suggest getting into this short series, as I will be, every week until the bitter end, in three weeks.
I too thought the first issue was kinda "meh", but sounds like it's definitely a step up. Damnit, now I have to pick it up. Thanks Bronko. Good review BTW.