Arrow Season 5 Episode 5 Review
This episode of Arrow closed off its first arc of the season with much promise and sets up the rest of the season to be pretty intense. With some great action and overall stylistic directing, Arrow's streak continues of having well directed episodes.
Arrow, this week, focused on three major plotlines, revolving around Wild Dog, Oliver Queen as Mayor, and Olicity. Wild Dog this episode had a satisfying emotional journey which was supported through Rick Gonzalez's powerful performance. He truly sold the "broken man" in Wild Dog. His capture and rescue also saw Tobias Church come to his end. Church has been a okay villain but who remained captivating due to Chad Coleman's impeccable performance. But it did make sense that he would no longer be the main villain as he is no match physically to the Green Arrow. Though how he went out was extremely brutal. And that I think was the point. Prometheus truly showed what he is made of and the mystery of who he is parallels season 1 with the Dark Archer making it even more compelling. Next week's episode seems to show Green Arrow and his team's first encounter with Prometheus and I will have more to save about him then.
Oliver Queen himself had a minor arc this episode which involved an assassination attempt and his continuing battle with Susan Williams. Primarily, the assassination helped bring in the Human Target into the Arrowverse who was a nice addition to the team. Though the much more compelling half of this story involves Susan Williams. Besides the obvious flirtation in between Oliver and Susan, the fact that she knows he wasn't on the island the whole 5 years will certainly throw a wrench into Oliver's public persona.
And finally Olicity. If you read my season 4 review, you know that I despise Olicity in all of its forms. While this episode didn't change my opinion, it renewed my faith in the show to keep Felicity in the background. Felicity never was a 3-dimensional character and their failed attempts to just made her worse. One of my favorite moments from the episode was her line when she said "You have failed this city" which was something season 1/2 felicity would do. And while I do expect them to eventually get back together, it was nice to see a mature moment in between them to move on. I hope they abandon Olicity entirely as it is now a toxic relationship and the show is better without it.
This episode's director did a fantastic job between the solo shots of Rene and John to the action scenes. Besides the slip ups regarding the stunt doubles between takes in action scenes, there were some really creative shot composition to accompany the story.
**Overall Episode Grade: 8.7/10**
Arrow, this week, focused on three major plotlines, revolving around Wild Dog, Oliver Queen as Mayor, and Olicity. Wild Dog this episode had a satisfying emotional journey which was supported through Rick Gonzalez's powerful performance. He truly sold the "broken man" in Wild Dog. His capture and rescue also saw Tobias Church come to his end. Church has been a okay villain but who remained captivating due to Chad Coleman's impeccable performance. But it did make sense that he would no longer be the main villain as he is no match physically to the Green Arrow. Though how he went out was extremely brutal. And that I think was the point. Prometheus truly showed what he is made of and the mystery of who he is parallels season 1 with the Dark Archer making it even more compelling. Next week's episode seems to show Green Arrow and his team's first encounter with Prometheus and I will have more to save about him then.
Oliver Queen himself had a minor arc this episode which involved an assassination attempt and his continuing battle with Susan Williams. Primarily, the assassination helped bring in the Human Target into the Arrowverse who was a nice addition to the team. Though the much more compelling half of this story involves Susan Williams. Besides the obvious flirtation in between Oliver and Susan, the fact that she knows he wasn't on the island the whole 5 years will certainly throw a wrench into Oliver's public persona.
And finally Olicity. If you read my season 4 review, you know that I despise Olicity in all of its forms. While this episode didn't change my opinion, it renewed my faith in the show to keep Felicity in the background. Felicity never was a 3-dimensional character and their failed attempts to just made her worse. One of my favorite moments from the episode was her line when she said "You have failed this city" which was something season 1/2 felicity would do. And while I do expect them to eventually get back together, it was nice to see a mature moment in between them to move on. I hope they abandon Olicity entirely as it is now a toxic relationship and the show is better without it.
This episode's director did a fantastic job between the solo shots of Rene and John to the action scenes. Besides the slip ups regarding the stunt doubles between takes in action scenes, there were some really creative shot composition to accompany the story.
**Overall Episode Grade: 8.7/10**