Infinity - The Hunt #1
Writer: Matt Kindt
Art: Steven Sanders, Jim Campbell
Get Caught Up…
Infinity is upon us. The Hunt miniseries seems to focus on the younger heroes of the Marvel Universe.
What’s Going on Here?
I see what Kindt was trying to do here. Presenting a story in one way, only to have it take a wild left turn into a different story. That wild left turn, off course, being the arrival of Thanos' generals and their siege of Earth. The idea is executed well, but it just seems superfluous to the Infinity story as a whole.
That is, depending on how this story winds up fitting into the Infinity story. After the first issue, it seemed like the only connection to the main story would be the Infinity logo on the cover. That is, until the ending. Other than that, this book gives no indication as to how this series plays into the main event. I understand keeping questions unanswered to build tension, but the reader deserves to know what they are buying. After reading this, I feel as if the story hasn't actually started yet.
Sanders does a decent job with what he has to work with. This issue is not heavy on the action by any means, as a majority is just the introduction to the various schools existing in the world. That being said, the art doesn't do much to make the story feel any more dynamic. It is stiff and bland.
Despite these various missteps, I come back to one popular character. Wolverine. Who is shown here at the Avengers Academy mansion at the time of the attacks. In one of the core Infinity books he is shown defending the Jean Grey School if I'm not mistaken. That also didn't take into account what he's going through over in the Killable arc, or Battle of the Atom. I know Dr. Doom recently called Reed Richards out pub similar behavior. I'd really love Marvel to tighten their timelines in the future.
The Verdict...
Not particularly bad, per se, but it was boring and it served little purpose aside from introducing us to forgettable characters. The disjointed storytelling that doesn’t seem to know how it fits into the bigger picture does not do the series opener any favors. Depending on what else comes out the week the next issue is released, this series is on the cut list.
Oh, Yeah, And…
How awesome was the diagram of Avengers Mansion? Easily my favorite bit of the story. I'm a sucker for maps, though.