Batman : The Widening Gyre (HCTPB)

by lucstclair on December 04, 2011

Continuing the story from Batman : Cacophony, Batman has a guardian angel with a goat mask and a crossbow watching over him. His name is Baphomet and he’s a new soldier in the war on crime. Batman could sure use his help, but can he trust him? Plus: Bruce Wayne engages in some well deserved R & R with a beautiful female acquaintance. Guest starring Nightwing, Robin, Aquaman and Etrigan The Demon!

Let me start by saying that this is an incredible TPB! Kevin Smith has concocted a story about how far can Batman/Bruce Wayne trust people. We also see Batman and Robin in action from days gone by through Batman’s eyes. We see a very romantic side to Bruce Wayne we rarely get to see as he falls head over heels for an old flame. Smith has always been a whiz when it comes to writing scripts and story boards for his movies and the same can be said for comics. This story has some horror elements courtesy of Batman’s baddies which have always been murdering psychopaths, but here it’s taken up a notch with throat slicing, self mutilation, dismemberment and cannibalism. Not for the faint of heart (unless you like heart soup). There's a scene where Etrigan The Demon smashes Batman's face to a bloody pulp. Ouch! Having said that, we also get some humour to balance the tone a little bit as only Kevin Smith can deliver.

To understand this tale you must read Batman : Cacophony to fully appreciate what’s going on, also by Kevin Smith. The illustrations are by Smith’s old movie partner Walter Flanagan and does a great job drawing Batman scenes, past and present. I just can’t speak highly enough of this book. The best Batman TPB I’ve read this year. Period.

Our Score:


A Look Inside


stephengervais's picture

I must say I've never been a Kevin Smith fan in comic books. I really just don't like his style. I flipped through this one and I'll have to pass.

lucstclair's picture

Ok then. Just watch his movies.