2000AD #2202 REVIEW

by Gavin Johnston on October 06, 2020

Writers: Rob Williams; Arthur Wyatt; Ian Edginton; James Peaty; Alec Worley
Artists: Boo Cook; D’Israeli; Paul Marshall; Tiernen Trevallion; Leigh Gallagher
Colours: Dylan Teague
Letters: Annie Parkhouse; Jim Campbell; Simon Bowland
Publisher: Rebellion



Dredd takes on a gang of street thugs, just as Judge Maitland tries to gain support for her controversial ideas in Judge Dredd: Carry The Nine. It’s a lovely balance of gritty street crime and political idealism in this story by Rob Williams and Arthur Wyatt.

Carry the Nine continues to be a biting satire of the situation we find ourselves in. For anyone living under a government brought to power by a minority of voters, entering the second “once in a life time” economic collapse in a decade, Maitland’s passionate denouncement of ”the same broken system” will sound familiar, as will the response.

Boo Cook’s art is simply lovely. This prog is full of glimpses of Mega City life and the overwhelming architecture of fascism. He also does some really nice things with gutters.


Sherlock/Stickleback continues his merry romp through psychedelic folklore in Stickleback: New Jerusalem. The brightness is turned way up on D’Isreali’s black and white art, giving these pages an ethereal look as the story gleefully makes it’s way into a Wizard of Oz themed adventure.


In Skiptracer: Hyperballad, bounty hunter Nolan has been contracted to protect anime pop-star India despite it not being his job. Having easily overcome an attack last prog, Nolan decides that the best way to get his young ward to safety is to jump into an experimental teleporter with no guaranteed destination. Because...reasons?

James Peaty is an experienced writer who has worked for both Marvel and DC, whilst Paul Marshall has produced art for iconic strips 2000AD such as Firekind and Tyranny Rex. Regardless, Skiptracer continues to be the weak link, with it’s unappealing characters and generic sci-fi setting.


We slip further back in time in Fiends of the Eastern Front: Constanta, to the wars of Eastern Europe’s middle ages. Suddenly we’re in Game of Thrones territory, as noble Houses battle without and within. It’s a little bit cliched, but wonderfully done and hugely atmospheric, continuing to leave us guessing as to the vampire Constanta’s true origins.


Jack’s gonna need a bigger boat in the third part of Hookjaw. The unfeasibly large, demon shark finally makes an appearance, unceremoniously destroying a whole fishing trawler. This reimaged Hookjaw is every bit as gory and brutal as the classic demands. Just when it looks like this will settle down into a Jaw-type tale, the story swerves again into the unexpected.


Another great prog, with just the one mis-step.

Our Score:


A Look Inside