2000AD, PROG 2097 REVIEW

by Gavin Johnston on September 05, 2018

Writers: TC Eglington; Gordon Rennie; Lawrence Rennie; Emma Beeby; Kek-W; Dan Abnett
Artists: Staz Johnson; Neil Googe; John Burns; Karl Richardson; Mark Harrison
Colourists: Abigail Bulmer; Gary Caldwell
Letterers: Annie Parkhouse; Ellie De Ville; Simon Bowland
Publisher: Rebellion

Dark plots are underway in this week's 2000AD, starting with Judge Dredd: The Booth Conspiracy.


As the anti-judge "Sons of Booth" plan to utilize the Stupid Gun, the Judges themselves plot to draw the lawbreakers into the open. TC Eglington’s Sons of Booth storyline is a pitch perfect satire of modern populist politics. Protesters protest against all the protests, and the people search for direction...or just someone point their rage at. Sly hints about the spread of stupidity and fake video footage smartly foreshadow plot developments. Artist Staz Johnston delivers a slowly crumbling Mega City One creaking under the weight of its populace, and uniform heavy judges who dominate whenever they appear.


Meanwhile, dark plans are hatched in Survival Geeks: Hack’n Slash, as our heroes are shown to have hidden talents, and new characters reveal hidden secrets. The gang have found themselves in a world that lives in fear of the horror-movie slasher. The worlds of Scream, Freddy and Jason are expanded into a world-wide zombie apocalypse-type scenario. But just like in the movies, if you know the rules you can survive. There’s a slight issue with the layout and lettering in the first few panels, but once again, Survival Geeks is top notch as it messes with the tropes of its favourite genres.


In The Order: The New World, we’ve found our way to Philea-Delphia, and the next stop is the Wurmrealm...but will all our characters make it? Berg faces up to his troubled past, as it’s discovered that he has led us here to execute plans of his own.


Okay...so The Order is confusing. Right back at the beginning, we were provided with an introduction to the characters, but we’ve jumped back and forward in time and different realities. Sometimes we’re blasted with exposition and a series of flashbacks. Sometimes it’s non-stop action as time travelling robots fight against alien worm-people. Sometimes the cast just stand around worrying about lost loves. It is, however, fun. Confusing, muddled, fun.


Meanwhile, Part 6 of Mechastopheles: True Faith sees the characters run around town, trying to get to the heart of what makes their giant metal friend tick. There are overlapping scenes, in this well composed adventure that manages to blend exposition with action. It’s not very deep, but is is wide. The politics and religion of this world are slowly unveiled, but many of our characters are as yet unexplored.


The darkest plot of all can be found in Grey Area: Evidence. The deaths of Kym and Bitch have been faked, with the pair press-ganged into joining a black ops death squad. As their colleagues struggle with grieving their loss, former boss Bulliet searches for answers. And begin to unlock a vast conspiracy. Grey Area is a visual explosion, with varied alien characters, packed crowds, and randomly placed sound-effects creating a real sense of the crowded and chaotic environment.


Our Score:


A Look Inside