Deathstroke #11

by Batmanaruto on January 25, 2017

Writer: Christopher Priest
Artist: Denys Cowan
Colourist: Jeremy Cox

DEATHSTROKE IS AMAZING. Like literally AMAZING. Priest with this series answers the questions how do you do a villain centered series and make it real interesting. The typical trend is to fall into a Suicide Squad type book, which isn’t bad but only works with a team sort of book. Priest answers this question by literally making this a versus series with a really good story.
Now this book was so loaded with issues such as racism, police brutality and gun violence. The racism was really well explored with the woman who accidentally shot the child as she thought the black people were going to attack her. It was an understandable fear, but it still was not right.
The fight between the Creeper and Deathstroke wasn’t really that good, however it was interesting to entertain the idea of them fighting. Meanwhile it was cool how Priest basically narrated the story using Jack Ryder, a character that has in my lifetime of reading comics has never been a main character.
In summary another solid edition, especially for a one-shot. I do wonder what people will really think about this, as it does deal with some really heavy issues, especially in the times that we are living in.

Our Score:


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