Humanoids: Life Imitating Art Imitating Life?

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A mysterious giant shark patrolling off a UK coastline; a mining company looking to build the world’s first deep-sea mine, sharks chowing down on a whale; ancient apex marine predators discovered, all happening in the real world of today, mere months before fictional account of similar situations releases in the US and UK. Is truth stranger than fiction?
Los Angeles, CA. Sep 6, 2016: Reports of a deep-sea mining proposal started circulating last month followed by reports of a massive shark off the coast of Cornwall, and the discovery of a 400-year old shark. Individually, interesting stories, but could there be a connection…?

In Humanoids’ new graphic novel Carthago, divers drilling in an underwater cave are attacked by an impossibly large shark, a living fossil. Oceanographer Dr. Kim Melville discovers that this creature may not only have survived, but thrived, and is reclaiming its place at the top of the food chain. With several shadowy, clashing parties also interested in the reappearance of “the most ferocious predator that ever lived,” who will emerge unscathed in the bitter rivalry to expose Earth’s most shocking secrets?

Carthago is particularly notable for being one of the most impressive eco-thriller/horror tales of recent years, slowly revealing multiple plot threads, Lovecraftian cities, mythological creatures, and thriving on seemingly insurmountable cliffhangers… Put simply this is the kind of comic to become utterly lost within and would be worthy of the term ‘unputdownable’ if such a word existed.” — SciFi Now
Carthago (9781594651519) makes its English language debut September 27, 2016. The 284-page hardcover will retail for $34.95 in the US and £23.99 in the UK.

