All-New Invaders #1
Writer James Robinson Artist Steve Pugh
James Robinson has had a fascinating history with the comic book industry, stemming all the way back to the 90’s with this fan favorite run on Starman. The scribe has penned many books over the years, and even met some backlash from the very same fans that loved him on works like Justice League: Cry For Justice. Many have speculated how much of the aforementioned title had to do with editorial getting in the way, and what he actually contributed to the book. Unfortunately, his Justice League proper work also did not amuse fans of the property. Earth 2 was the title that really started to change things, as support rallied behind the writer once again, as he was telling a grandiose story involving years of DC history. Then the rug slipped out underneath him as DC editorial intervened and he did not get a chance to finish telling his story as it was intended. Marvel snatched the scribe, and threw him on some of their larger properties, expectations are sort of all over the place with this first issue when putting the title into context. Is All-New Invaders going capture the recent successes of the writer?
Robinson does a great job paring all of these different characters down to their core and completely rebuilding them from the ground up. The Winter Soldier, Captain America, Sub-Mariner, and Original Human Torch all have one central problem; they should be 80 something years old right now. In this installment the scribe wisely decides to shine the spotlight on Jim Hammond, the torch’s life is broken down in the course of an issue as he remembers the man that he used to be decades ago. He is having flashbacks longer than eight decades ago, but has the appearance of a 30 year old man. This idea is enough to drive the series as it could be headed to some really interesting places over the next couple of issues. It also nicely interlocks into the other character’s stories which are facing their own issues. This is a really nice way to introduce a big concept while keeping things fresh, as the idea of breaking a certain routine life is something that fiction touches on again and again throughout the ages. This is the better version of the writer that fans remember so fondly.
Steve Pugh pencils this issue with an exciting retro tinge. The artist leans back toward the eighties, but makes great use of a retro aesthetic by complementing it with a clear storytelling choice. This book is some of the best work that I have seen from Pugh, because it utilizes his artistic sensibilities in a project that seems to be tailor made for him. There a couple of excellent splash pages in the issue that the artist really nails by bringing in a massive sense of scope to his work. There are many rounded lines in the work, but most make sense when drawn with a slight curve on each of the different nostalgic heroes.
All-New Invaders #1 does one simple thing, it breaks the monotony of everyday life. It’s a concept that James Robinson seems fascinated with right now, and utilized by artist Steve Pugh in a very effective manner. This should be just enough to get old time fans of Marvel/Timely excited enough to go seek out the rest of this nostalgia infused tale.