Ghosted #4

by mahargen on October 09, 2013

Writer - Joshua Williamson

Art - Goran Sudzuka, Miroslav Mrva

Get Caught Up…


Jackson’s team has been put together with the seemingly impossible task of stealing a ghost.  The ghosts are getting ready to make their moves first, though.

What’s Good?

We’re getting deep into the story of the ghost thieves here.  Introductions have been made, secrets have been revealed and stuff has begun to get weird.  Now’s the part where things really should start to get out of hand.  Thankfully, the “Ghosted” team isn’t pulling any punches.  Last issue teased some great, creepy stuff that this issue really expands on.  Some items are glossed over and will presumably be expanded upon later, but we get a dramatic step up in the action here.  The way that this story is building on itself is a testament to not only Williamson’s storytelling ability, but the way the entire creative team comes together.  

This is a ghost story.  There’s no way to “fancy it up.”  This is what’s great about “Ghosted.”  The team doesn’t try to make the story any bigger or deeper than it is.  The mythology isn’t built so deeply it collapses in on itself.  Everything is being played out in a great narrative that really embraces the tropes of the genre.  It could be easy for this title to go the cheesy route as so many supernatural stories have the habit of doing, but the crew keeps everything here on track.  

There are some big hurdles up ahead, though.  Now’s the point where things take a decidedly different turn in the story.  Up until now, “Ghosted” has maintained one foot steadily grounded in reality.  With this issue’s developments we’re going to be going deep into supernatural territory.  The supernatural has been dabbled in pretty heavily up to now, but only in glimpses.  How the art team handles when things go full-supernatural will be one of the deciding factors in how this book stands up down the line.  I have faith they can handle it.

The Verdict…

Limited series?  On-going?  I don’t care.  I’m sticking with this title so long as the creative team is kept together.

Our Score:


A Look Inside