Avengers Assemble #18

by kanchilr1 on August 21, 2013

The Team
Writer Kelly Sue DeConnick Artist Barry Kitson

Spider Woman is a character that is underappreciated in almost every fashion. When Bendis finally gave the protagonist character a new angle like dating Hawkeye, she breaks up with him just as fast. With the new spotlight on Carol Danvers in most big Avengers titles, once again there is no love for Jessica Drew because those are roles that the latter heroine should be filling. Finally writer Kelly Sue DeConnick takes the spotlight off of Danvers, and gives it to Drew. The character is once again filled with contempt, upset with the ones that she loves. Hopefully this storyline will give her a different role in the greater Marvel Universe, or perhaps even a different state of mind than just constantly being angry all the time. This issue her self loathing also comes to a near boiling point, as the hero blames herself at every opportunity. In the Marvel Universe it is tough to watch couples being dissolved so quickly, if this were closer to real life almost every Avenger would be in an established relationship.

In this issue Jessica Drew faces the Builders of Infinity. In many moments towards this book she is shown to be very vulnerable, and almost meets her maker. She is also saved at one point by a surprise character that should have many fans scratching their heads. The Builder armada is very imposing in this title, featuring camouflaged starships, dozens of evil robots, and a horde of evil aliens. Many will also be amused by the space fight with Spider woman and Hulk between the fleet of robot murderers.

Barry Kitson delivers some solid pencils in this issue. One frustrating nuisance plaguing his style is the way in which he portrays the hair of Captain Marvel. Many artists are having trouble drawing, but here it almost looks like a strange mullet straight from the 80’s. Faces can also look to similar at times, as most of them almost look too clean. The aforementioned space suits also look silly, especially on characters like Captain America who are also on a spaceship. Kitson does a great job nailing the characters in their Marvel Now costumes. A really great example of this, is how he nails the extra lines on Captain America’s new costume. Carol Danvers also looks quite good with her new mask on. the armor on the aliens and builders also can capture the imagination of some seeking more imagination in comics.

This simplistic story based on the less loved Spider character is just what the doctor ordered. While it is difficult to see her character regressing in this odd fashion, it is good that DeConnick took the effort to stay true to her character. This character based Sci-fi story is a refreshing change of pace for this series. It also does a really good job setting the identity apart of a comic book trapped in a crossover so early on it’s life cycle. Those seeking an extra dose of Jessica Drew should welcome Avengers Assemble #18 into their lives with open arms.

Our Score:


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