Thor #14 Review

by Nick Devonald on April 14, 2021

Writer: Donny Cates
Artist: Nic Klein
Colours: Matt Wilson
Letters: VC’s Joe Sabino

The final issue in the Prey story-arc contains the inevitable confrontation between Thor and Donald Blake, along with a huge cast of supporting characters including Odin. It’s an epic confrontation with a conclusion that will take readers by surprise. Everything comes together neatly, but there are ramifications from the ending which are sure to come back and play a bigger role in the future of Thor’s run. Donny Cates has shown readers that he plans years in advance, and seemingly small details end up being important later on.

It was an interesting choice to centre an entire story arc on Donald Blake, a relatively minor character from Thor’s past, but Cates has managed to make him into a major player in Thor’s ongoing saga, as well as making it clear his role isn’t finished yet, and he still has a part to play later on. What is abundantly clear though is that Cates has a big plan, and he is currently maneuvoring all his pieces where he needs them to tell his grandiose tale, all while managing to tell entertaining stories which will keep readers on the edge of their seat.

Another character who’s undergone a lot of change and growth under Cates’ direction is Loki. He’s featured quite heavily in some of Cates’ previous work, playing a major role in his Doctor Strange run, and it’s clear that there is a larger plan for the character. The ending of this issue in particular has consequences for the character going forward, and he is undergoing as much growth, if not more, than our titular hero.

Nic Klein’s art has been one of the strongest selling points of the series, every page, every panel, is stunning. Most of this issue consists of the epic final showdown between Thor and allies combined might against Donald Blake. The action is full pelt, the conflict between the characters writ on their faces, the level of detail in each panel is stunning. And Klein’s work is complemented by Matt Wilson’s stunning colours which bring all the action to glorious life.

An epic conclusion to the Prey storyline, it’s clear the ramifications from this issue will carry on well into the future. All of the main characters have undergone some big changes and growth across the series, and especially during this mini-arc. Wherever Donny Cates takes this tale, it’s clear that Thor, Loki etc will be greatly changed by it. This is a Thor story told by a writer with a clear reverence for the character and his history, and drawn by an incredible artist who fills each panel with so much detail, what’s not to love?

Our Score:


A Look Inside