Amelia Sky #3 Review

by Carlos R. on September 29, 2020

Amelia Sky #3 Cover Graphic
Written by: Jermaine M. Boyd
Art by: Gwynn Tavares
Lettered by: Kuen Tang
Edited by: Brittany Matter

Amelia Sky #3 picks up directly after issue #2 and thank goodness for that with the way issue #2 ended. I don’t want to give much away since each issue in this series has had some great moments and the heart wrenching impact they have on the reader is definitely aided by the mystery and suspense built up throughout.

Jermaine M. Boyd and team have created a terrifyingly lovely series, I was all in as soon as I heard it was a post-apocalyptic horror title and it definitely lives up to its genre. This series follows Amelia Sky after having woken up to this cruel, dying world with little memory of her past. I enjoy Amelia’s voice, but the secondary characters have been my favorite portions of the title, especially Ace and El.

Gwynn Tavares and Kuen Tang add so much weight to the series, their art feels almost cinematic in the way the story is cut and framed. Kuen Tang does an incredible job at giving voice to this universe, the Shriekers’ cries are so menacing and the way they fluctuate adds a whole other depth to their skittering and expanding movements. Tavares makes this world come to life; I love the muddiness to the design of Amelia’s surrounding. It lends to the confusion she feels and the desolation of this world.

I’m a huge admirer of horror and sci-fi and let me tell you this is one heck of a book. I highly recommend checking out each issue, the creative team has designed a horrific world with a tale that’s unafraid to bare its soul and I look forward to exploring further.

You can find the previous issues in the series to purchase here: For updates on issue 3 and more from the creators, follow here:

Our Score:


A Look Inside