That Texas Blood #2 Review

by Wes Greer on July 29, 2020

Writer – Chris Condon
Art – Jacob Phillips
Publisher – Image Comics

After an explosive first issue, That Texas Blood returns today with issue #2 and if you thought the first issue was great, wait until you dive into the latest chapter. Since I started covering Image Comics books, there have been several new titles that I have been able to jump in on the ground floor and this one is easily one of my all-time favorites hooking me with only one issue. It has been great not only covering this series but speaking with and getting to know its creators and I cannot wait to see where it goes from here.

Issue #2 takes us right back into the heart of Texas where the last issue left off and Condon does an excellent job keeping the story at a steady pace while keeping readers invested by giving us more and more insight as well as excitement as we go page by page. Since the first issue covered a lot of the ground work and introducing us to the characters and events, Condon is able to really spend more time on the development and excitement of the story building it up for a wild turn of events that not only excite us as readers but make us want to know more and more and really hooks us on the last page leaving us wanting more. This issue, like the first one also has a QR code you can scan that opens up a playlist that you can listen to in the background while reading this issue and creates an immersive experience that I think is one of the coolest things I’ve seen in a comic. It really helps to immerse the reader in the world and builds on the emotions we already feel from the story alone. I really think this is the start of something bigger and was a genius move on the creator’s parts helping set their story apart from others.

With a story as deep and entertaining as this one, I do not think there is any artist better suited to bring it to life than Jacob Phillips. Phillips has one of the most unique styles I have seen in a book and is able to create another depth to an already incredible story. The character designs are all beautiful and realistic looking while also giving a separate type od feel to them almost like an animated style but not as animated, if that makes sense. Its almost impossible to describe the style of Phillips art but once you have seen it, you will understand what I am talking about. The panel work is all clean and clear and he does not take any shortcuts when it comes to the details of not only the characters but the backgrounds and landscapes. Its just such a unique style and there is nothing else like it. The colors of the issue are all exceptionally clean and do not take anything away from the pencils and are the icing on the cake when it comes to bringing the story to life. The colors are vivid when needed but for the most part have a more subtle and dull tone but are exactly what this story calls for  Overall the art team is able to create a stunning and beautiful world that celebrates the story and leaves little to the readers imagination.

With an exciting story that keeps the readers intrigued and excited and an art style that amplifies the emotions of the story and creates a deep and rich environment, That Texas Blood #2 comes in as my pick of the week and continues to shine as a new title that every comic book reader needs to check out. Whether a fan of western Noir or the Horror genre, That Texas Blood celebrates both genres and blends them together to create something unique and new that will be celebrated for a long time to come. That Texas Blood #2 is available now so grab your casserole dishes and head over to your local shop. This issue is also available via digital download from your preferred digital retailer. Make sure you let me know what you thought of this issue by leaving a comment in the comment section below!

-Wes Greer

Our Score:


A Look Inside