Scream: Curse of Carnage #3 Review
Writer: Clay McLeod Chapman
Artists: Garry Brown & Chris Mooneyham
Colors: Rain Beredo
Letters: VC’s Cory Petit
I was sceptical of this series after the first issue, worrying it was just a cash in on Absolute Carnage. After the second issue my fears were mostly put to rest. Now, after the third I’m a little embarrassed to say I had concerns. This series is shaping up to be absolutely brilliant. Andi and Screams relationship was one of the aspects I was a little unsure of at the start of this series but now they’ve had a bit of a chance to bond I like where they’re taking it. No doubt Scream will play an important part when Knull reaches Earth, and until then we're getting a really good horror story with lots of new mysteries being introduced.
One of the things I’ve been enjoying, and wasn’t expecting, was the way it’s been filling in some of the back story for symbiotes on Earth, and in general. The issue gives us a bit more of the history of the Grendel, and its fight with Thor, which has been skirted around in Venom amongst other series. It’s obvious that events in the past are going to have a knock on effect on this series, and for symbiotes in general going forward.
With Venom and Absolute Carnage Donny Cates has not only put symbiotes front and centre again, but made them scary again. Clay McLeod Chapman really takes the horror aspect and takes it up a dozen notches and makes this a full fledged horror story. He manages to make this not only an entertaining story but it also feels an important story going forward as well.
The art team of Garry Brown & Chris Mooneyham do an incredible job of bringing the horror to life. It’s difficult to know where to give credit when there’s more than one artist working on a comic, but they make an outstanding team and their work is reminiscent of some of the great horror movies. You’ll get elements of Alien, and The Thing, amongst others. Not that any of it feels like a rip off or imitation, this is very much its own thing with some nods to the classics.
Then we have Rain Beredo’s colors. He’s no stranger to coloring symbiotes but his work on Scream is genius. The Scream symbiote is brightly colored and those bright reds and yellows contrast nicely with the duller, horror tones, throughout the rest of the comic. It also manages to put make Scream the focus whenever she appears.
Chapman has managed to bring some brand new aspects of symbiote mythology into play, while still managing to keep it feeling faithful to everything that’s come before. There are still lots of mysteries waiting to unfold and I have no idea where most of it’s going but I’m excited to find out. With Brown & Mooneyham on art it’s guaranteed, wherever the story goes, to be a real stand out in the horror genre.
Artists: Garry Brown & Chris Mooneyham
Colors: Rain Beredo
Letters: VC’s Cory Petit
I was sceptical of this series after the first issue, worrying it was just a cash in on Absolute Carnage. After the second issue my fears were mostly put to rest. Now, after the third I’m a little embarrassed to say I had concerns. This series is shaping up to be absolutely brilliant. Andi and Screams relationship was one of the aspects I was a little unsure of at the start of this series but now they’ve had a bit of a chance to bond I like where they’re taking it. No doubt Scream will play an important part when Knull reaches Earth, and until then we're getting a really good horror story with lots of new mysteries being introduced.
One of the things I’ve been enjoying, and wasn’t expecting, was the way it’s been filling in some of the back story for symbiotes on Earth, and in general. The issue gives us a bit more of the history of the Grendel, and its fight with Thor, which has been skirted around in Venom amongst other series. It’s obvious that events in the past are going to have a knock on effect on this series, and for symbiotes in general going forward.
With Venom and Absolute Carnage Donny Cates has not only put symbiotes front and centre again, but made them scary again. Clay McLeod Chapman really takes the horror aspect and takes it up a dozen notches and makes this a full fledged horror story. He manages to make this not only an entertaining story but it also feels an important story going forward as well.
The art team of Garry Brown & Chris Mooneyham do an incredible job of bringing the horror to life. It’s difficult to know where to give credit when there’s more than one artist working on a comic, but they make an outstanding team and their work is reminiscent of some of the great horror movies. You’ll get elements of Alien, and The Thing, amongst others. Not that any of it feels like a rip off or imitation, this is very much its own thing with some nods to the classics.
Then we have Rain Beredo’s colors. He’s no stranger to coloring symbiotes but his work on Scream is genius. The Scream symbiote is brightly colored and those bright reds and yellows contrast nicely with the duller, horror tones, throughout the rest of the comic. It also manages to put make Scream the focus whenever she appears.
Chapman has managed to bring some brand new aspects of symbiote mythology into play, while still managing to keep it feeling faithful to everything that’s come before. There are still lots of mysteries waiting to unfold and I have no idea where most of it’s going but I’m excited to find out. With Brown & Mooneyham on art it’s guaranteed, wherever the story goes, to be a real stand out in the horror genre.