Mr. & Mrs. X #1
Writer: Kelly Thompson
Artist: Oscar Bazaldua
Publisher: Marvel Comics
So straight out of the big events that happened in X-Men Gold comes this on-going series from Kelly Thompson. Her very successful mini-series Rogue & Gambit did so well that she gets to continue writing these two in now an on-going series. At first I was apprehensive about the Rogue & Gambit getting married but after reading this issue I'm more than on board.
This issue we get a flash back at how the wedding went down and then what came afterwards. Things on our newlyweds honeymoon get a bit crazy as Kitty interrupts everything and sends them on a mission.
I'm so happy Thompson is writing this series. She has an understanding for these characters that no one else seems to have lately. Every moment, every joke, just had me and I loved it completely. Even when things were getting a bit cheesy I was still loving it. There has always been an intense chemistry between these two characters and Thompson just manages to capitalize on it at every opportunity.
A space adventure doesn't really thrill me but they way that Thompson was able to deliver it really brought me around to the idea and I can't wait for more. Though our surprise visitor at the end I could have done without. Just personal preference as I'm not a fan of the character and Marvel's overuse of said character but I trust Thompson to deliver.
I enjoyed Oscar Bazaldua's art in the book. Rogue looked incredibly beautiful at the wedding and even the action sequences were fun and really pulled you right into the thick of it. The only thing I did notice is that he drew Rogue and Mystique to have the same facial features. I don't know if this was him having Mystique alter herself in a mother/daughter bonding moment or he doesn't know that Rogue is adopted not a biological daughter. Though that aside his art fits the tone and theme of the book completely.
Overall this was a great start to what is shaping up to be a must read series. If you enjoyed the mini-series Rogue & Gambit then you definitely need to check this series out!