The Mighty Crusaders #2
Story by: Ian Flynn
Art by: Kelsey Shannon
Colors by: Matt Herms
Published by: Dark Circle Comics
In this second issue of The Mighty Crusaders, Flynn and Shannon concentrate on trying to flesh out this new grouping of the team and trying to properly introduce to the reader the different personalities for newer readers.
To do so, and probably the best way of doing it, is to have a little bit of internal conflict within the group. As was presented in the first issue, this new version of the Crusaders includes some older versions of the MLJ heroes as well as newer versions. Within story, the older group of characters have been working together for years whereas the newer group have just been added - exactly like in real life.
This leads to some interesting interactions, especially when the Shield is put in charge (the newer version of the Shield that is, that was introduced in the last few years). She’s a warrior through and through, but she is also put in charge of a group that has been together, as I’ve said, for years. This type of situation naturally leads to conflict. The way Flynn deals with this conflict harkens back to the old-school superheroes where it is mostly just a dispute as you would have with your family, and less one where the heroes come to blows (which is all too typical of comics these days).
In the B-story, we get to see some truly old-style villainy happening within an old-tomb - think sacrifices to the old-gods type villainy. However, it is there as a clear future problem for the Crusaders and I can appreciate Flynn’s use of foreshadowing. We don’t always get this type of mystery villain anymore.
Quite frankly, I think what I like the most about The Mighty Crusaders is how it feels like it is trying to harken back to older style tales of superhero teams that we don’t see too much of these days. Yes, sometimes it is best moving forward, but looking back sometimes is fun too.