THE FUSE #3 variant cover by Jamie McKelvie announced

stephengervais's picture
Issue #3 hits stores in April

Antony Johnston (UMBRAL, WastelandDaredevil) and Justin Greenwood’s (Wasteland,ResurrectionStumptown) new sci-fi crime series with attitude THE FUSE will feature a variant cover by artist Jamie McKelvie (THE WICKED + THE DIVINE, Young Avengers) for its forthcoming third issue. 

"Even though Jamie is taller, younger, and better looking than me, I find it hard to resent him because he's so damn good,” said Johnston. “I've had the privilege of watching him develop over the years into one of modern comics' premier talents, especially for his cover and design work, and this awesome cover for The Fuse shows why. I have no doubt it will be our most ordered variant yet, which will only serve to further swell his big, tall head. Dammit."
Praise for THE FUSE:
"Space cops investigating space murders is the sort of synopsis that gets my attention, and so far Johnston and Greenwood appear to have the world-building skills and noir chops to back it up... If you're a fan of detective stories and sci-fi that's more gritty than glossy, it's worth a look." —Laura Hudson, WIRED
"The Fuse thrusts us immediately into a future that seems grimy rather than shiny, and cold rather than optimistic, and it's an impeccable setting for a neo-noir... A must-read. 5/5" —Jen Aprahamian, ComicVine
"This is ‘lived-in’ science fiction that develops itself slowly, through accumulation rather than explanation... By Issue #5 The Fuse will be what everyone's talking about. Why not get a head start? 4/5" —Marykate Jasper, Comic Book Resources
THE FUSE #1 and #2 are still in stock and available to order with Diamond Code JAN148309 and Diamond Code JAN140590 respectively for those just discovering this exciting new science-fiction series. 
THE FUSE #3 will hit shelves on 4/23 and can be ordered with Diamond Code FEB140603. Keep an eye out for the special THE FUSE #3 variant by Jamie McKelvie, which is available on the same day and can be ordered with Diamond Code FEB148223.


