Weekly Spinner Picks for 09/03/2014

stephengervais's picture
Weekly Spinner Picks is all about the hot comics of the week and getting to know the tastes of the writers at Comics: The Gathering. Each week the CTG contributors spotlight which comics they are most looking forward to on Wednesday and how those picks got to the top of their to-read piles. Let us know if you agree or not with our picks and most importantly don’t forget to add your list!
Names #1: A new offering from Vertigo comics written by the great Peter Mulligan of Hellblazer fame and draw by Leandro Fernandez. It’s set in the world of Wall Street and starts off with a high finance trader committing suicide after a mysterious man enters his office. Now it’s up to his wife to solve the mystery surrounding his demise. It’s being billed as the Wolf of Wall Street meets Kill Bill. Sounds like a fun read to me!
Grendel Vs Shadow #1: Story and art by the legendary Matt Wagner!! Two pulp-noir icons go head to head in 1930s New York. I’ve been eagerly waiting for this 3 issue prestige format mini-series since its announcement a good 3 months past.
Woods #5: This Boom Studio series is written by James Tynion IV and drawn by Michael Dialynas. I finally caught up with this series last week and let me tell you folks I loved it! This issue marks the beginning of new story arc and is somewhat of a prequel giving us a glimpse of the school before the craziness ensued. Oh and for those of you who haven’t read this series the first trade comes out this week containing issues 1-4. 


spicytoilet's picture

A little mainstreaming for me this week:

The Names #1  It’s being describe as The Wolf of Wall Street meets Kill Bill.  This story is set to really make sure the 1%-ers suffer.  I can't wait for Peter Milligan’s latest! 



The Dark Tower: The Drawing of the Three - The Prisoner #1  I picked up a black and white free preview of Stephen Kings latest and I really liked the art work.  It wasn’t lettered, so I had no idea what I was reading.  But it was enough to command interest.



Death of Wolverine #1  Little known fact, Wolverine has died a bunch of times before.  And I hope this stays permanent, Jean Grey permanent.  I hate when a beloved character is set to die and then just gets resurrected.  I love Wolverine, so please don't get me wrong.  I don't want to see him die.  But if he’s gonna bite the bullet, let it be permanent.

RobertJCross's picture
Another week, another great set of books!

Alice Cooper #1: I literally don't care what this comic is about. I just love Alice Cooper. I actually saw him live recently with Motley Crue and it was a great show. I'm hoping that Alice's comic book venture don't disappoint either.

Silent Hill Downpour Anne's Story #1: I'm a HUGE Silent Hill fan and when I saw that this was coming, I got stoked. Creepy and sexually deviant ghosts and spectres in a town that has been overtaken by hell, usually there's a few humans who unknowingly stumble upon the area....or are already dead....DUN DUN DUN!!!!

F.D. White's picture
A little late. but this week has some great books!

Captain America #24 - With some surprise reveals and returns last issue, I'm so looking forward to this issue.

Nailbiter #5 - I've really liked this series so far, partly because it feels like it will be one long story that isn't really broken down in to arcs.

Southern Bastards #4 - End to the incredible first arc. Expecting it to go out with a bang.

Superior Foes of Spider-Man #15 - Sad to know that this book is finally going to end. It's been one hell of a comic.