by spicytoilet on August 04, 2014

Let me reinforce this, I am terrible at previewing books.  I spoil, I am a spoiler, a habitual line crossing spoiler.  I’ll try not to spoil this issue, but no promises will be made.

The OSSM crew delivered another hit!  These guys have a run away success on their hands.


The book picks up right where issue one did.  Same pace, same level of energy, and enough “Holy crap” moments that’ll make you accidentally drop your copy!


The art’s skill is consistent with each and every page.  As a fan of the medium, I’m a stickler for that kinda stuff!  The dialog in issue two continues to give the cast that individual voice issue one blessed this series with.  The lettering was very open and easy to read too.


OSSM and Siike Donnelly have a great staff on this title.  And two editors that are clearly doing their jobs.  


This series is a flipper.  It flips stuff.  Michael and Lucifer.  Earth and Eden.  So forth and so on.  


And right when you think your out of the woods and your favorite characters can take a breather, it ends in a very awesome cliff hanger.


Call your shop, make sure you get your copy.  You won’t regret it!!!!!




As I am not very good like giving the reviews about any cv writing book. Maybe I am not good enough in expressing the feelings of mine which I feel for the specific thing. But you have extremely much mad and the best blog it is. I am really obliged for sharing this. Continue posting.