Amazing Spider-Man #677

by stephengervais on January 15, 2012

I’ve been anticipating this cross over with Daredevil since I first saw an ad for it. I feel Daredevil and ASM are currently two of the best written series each and every month. Mark Waid and Dan Slott have really taken their respective titles and made them their own through a combination of great characterization, action, and fun stories.  Upon purchasing Amazing Spider-Man#677 the first thing I noticed was that Mark Waid had written it. I somehow had missed that tidbit of information when reading previews for this crossover. I have to admit I was a tad disappointed when I made this discovery just because I do love Slott’s portrayal of Spidey.

That disappointment did not last long. This issue has Black Cat framed for a heist and Spider-Man recruiting Daredevil to help prove her innocence. I was blown away by this story. I loved everything about it especially the interaction between Spidey and Daredevil and Spidey and Black Cat. It was simply hilarious. Waid seemed to have a lot of fun with it. My favorite moment was when Spidey outed Daredevil in front of his secretary. As reader of Daredevil it was especially funny. For a crossover that seems to be filler before the next big story in ASM it certainly doesn’t feel like it. The plot moves along fluently and the story doesn’t appear out of place.

Artist Emma Rios enhances this story with some beautiful artwork. I’m not familiar with her previous work but I love her detailed portrayal of NYC and her body work. My one complaint pertaining to her art and it’s a small one is why are Spider-Man’s eyes so tiny?

This is an overall a great issue that leaves me anticipating part 2. If you enjoy it I highly recommend you check out the Daredevil series as well. Both are fantastic and this is a great jumping on point.

Our Score:


A Look Inside