Private Eye #3

by Skombie on April 15, 2015

Writer: Brian K Vaughan
Artist: Marcos Martin
Publisher: Panel Syndicate

After taking a week off to read and review Daredevil: Yellow, we’re back looking at Private Eye issue three. This issue deals with the fallout from the last issue with PI and Riveena running from the masked Frenchies. It begins with Patrick on the couch admidst a pipe dream and having revelations of his past. Here we learn glimpse at the why he does what he does.

In this sequence there is this neat bit of writing, as first they bring about an image of pure ecstasy, and then using the same image they play it out in a different scenario. This playing around with the same imagery has the surprising effect of being incredibly creepy. So if you haven’t read it yet, you’re in for a treat.

We also learn a little bit more about Gramps in this issue. Finding out that he’s not the greatest guy in the world, in fact he’s not a great guy at all. Well unless you count… nope, in no way he’s a great guy. Now I bet you want to find out why don’t you? I’m such a plot tease aren’t I.

Also in this issue we get balls to the wall action. I mean this issue had more action that Kim Kardashian’s sex tape. It was great. The issue not the sex tape. It amazes me how much good stuff (character development, world building, plot, etc.) the creative team has managed to cram into it while still enticing the reader along with the action.

Last to mention is the art, by this issue you’ve decided whether you love it or hate it. I’m leaning more and more towards the love it end of the love-hate-made-up-spectrometer. Just the way that the colours contrast with the noir feel, it’s grown on me.

Overall this is a great issue. Thankfully, it didn’t take long for the creative team to break their stride, it makes me keen to see what’s in store next. This reviewer gives a 9/10.

Our Score:


A Look Inside