Tank Girl: Gold #2

by Ryan.L on December 02, 2016

Writer: Alan Martin
Artist: Brett Parson
Publisher: Titan Comics

Tank Girl continues her debauchery after they managed to score a ton of gold bullion. What craziness is next for this group of misfits? Why spent that gold on everything and anything!

This issue we see Tank Girl and her band of misfits wondering what to do with their gold. They have already bought tons of useless things and they have barely made a dent in their haul. So what do to next? The team decides that they should create a brand new sport, with Australian rules. 

In true Tank Girl style things start out weird, and the rules for this new sport are even weirder. But as always things just don't go their way. So what to do next? Why make a movie silly!

I loved this issue so much. It was all over the place but that's what I would expect from a Tank Girl comic. The look and stylized 50's art is absolutely stunning and works perfectly for this new series. At first when I saw this issue was the super sports issue, I was really intrigued. Then when it transitioned into a movie I was blown away. The movie was so over the top, badly acted and absolutely perfect. Tank Girl and camp go hand in hand and the movie was exactly that. The 50's stylized art worked even better with the movie than the sports section. The big bubble helmets and 50's cars turned into space cruzers was so much fun. It made me want to go hang out at the Very Spacey Cherry. Also it was fun to see the plot of their movie pull it's influence from actual events that happened to them in the last series Tak Girl: Two Girls One Tank.

If you are a fan of Deadpool, Squirrel Girl or Harley Quinn you should definitely check out Tank Girl. Most of those characters creators go their influnce for them from Tank Girl. She is the original odd ball and this new series is absolutely hilarious. I highly recommend going and picking it up.


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