Convergence: Batman and Robin #2

by RobertJCross on May 07, 2015

Written by: Ron Marz
Art by: Denys Cowan & Klaus Janson

This issue was one of those rare ones that gave me warm and fuzzies at the last panel because of all the emotion that led up to it. We got Batman, Robin, Red Hood, and Scarlet fighting The Extremists. It started off innocently enough with them only having to go up against some dolls that were created by Carny, but then all the other Extremists get involved and all hell breaks lose. While all of this happening, there's this family dynamic between all the boys that's pulling them apart. By the end though, everything is kosher and the issue ends on a very deep note. I enjoyed it.

Marz is one of the better writers these days and it certainly shows in this issue. He takes you on an emotional roller coaster from the first panel until the last. I loved the fact that he kind of put the entire idea of Convergence itself on the backburner during most of the issue and focused on how he could delve into Bruce, Damian and Jason's relationship. The dialogue is also top notch in this piece especially the communication during the fighting with The Extremists. You felt like these characters were truly trained to fight in unison.

The art was stellar like it was in the last issue. I didn't enjoy how lit up Gotham was in the day and I wanted it to be a bit darker. But what do you expect when the city is covered by a giant lit up dome? The Extremists looked awesome and menacing which added to the tension. There was really no hiccups from last issue to here and I'm pretty sure that both Cowan & Janson will continue to give us quality art for the entirety of their career. Great stuff!

Awesome issue. Really touching at the end. Pick it up!

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