Project Superpowers: Blackcross #2

by RobertJCross on April 01, 2015

Written By: Warren Ellis
Art by: Colton Worley

Take note, this comic is getting really good and I'm super stoked that I'm getting to review it. I knew absolutely nothing about any of this before I was sent the first issue last month and I was completely confused as to what the storyline really was. But now with this issue, everything is coming together and getting a lot more interesting. The issue starts off with what looks to be a terrorist attack, but is actually a catalyst for things to come. There is an incident that occurs in the last few pages which really made me start taking notice. It has to do with the American Flag guy on the cover and it's super cool.

Mr. Ellis knows how to tease better than some of his cohorts. This comic is jam packed with little hints and teases in not just the writing, but the art as well. You have to pay attention to almost everything or you'll miss out on some great foreshadowing and this is just the second issue! I can't imagine how good it'll get by the fifth or sixth. The dialogue is sharp and everything feels like it fits in a broader universe, even though it's taking place in a small town. That's the charm of Ellis' writing though, you never really know what to expect, even with the setting.

You can't talk about the stellar writing and not mention Worley's amazing art that goes alongside it. Absolutely perfect facial expressions and surroundings that make this comic burst with life. The clothing that the townspeople wear is super authentic and the first thing I noticed as I was reading. I also fell in love with the urgency during the action scenes. You felt like there was something moving quickly in front of you very rapidly and the broad strokes that Worley makes behind the characters heightens it. Just amazing stuff.

Loving this comic. Pick it up now.

Our Score:


A Look Inside