The Flash #83 Review

by Olivier Roth on November 27, 2019

Writer: Joshua Williamson 

Pencils: Rafa Sandoval

Inks: Jordi Tarragona

Colors: Arif Prianto

Letters: Steve Wantds

Published by: DC


In the last issue of The Flash, something surprising happens: the Rogues have taken over Central City and have divided it up into territories that are reminiscent of the Batman storyline in the 90’s called No Man’s Land. Unlike in No Man’s Land, the big questions on the reader's mind should be “What happened to the Flash and how can he have let this happen?”. Well, not two chapters in to this storyline, and we already get partial answers. 


After a quick recap of how this came about, Williamson jumps right into explaining to the readers at least where Flash is: the newly named Ice Heights, under lock and key and power dampener. However, the story does not linger long on the Flash’s new situation, because as fast as you can say the Flash!, Barry gets broken out by an unlikely source and now has to make his way through more than one safeguard to attain his freedom, all while not being able to access his powers. 


Flash stories where he is powerless are always interesting as it comes down to the creators to try and figure out a fun and original way for Barry to cope with his situation. In this case, Williamson and team rely heavily on Barry’s savior to do the heavy lifting until they are out of their situation (and Flash discovers the new reality of Year of the Villain). 


What makes this issue though for me is the art talents of Sandoval, Tarragona and Prianto. I’ve been a fan of Sandoval for a few years now, but I must say, this is one of his first issues that has absolutely wow’d me. Everything he does in this issue works from the action’s cinematography, to the choice in panel layout. And I’m always a sucker for a full panel onomatopoeia sound effect. 


I think what makes me like the art so much in this issue are Sandoval’s collaborators in Tarragona on inks and Prianto on colors. Tarragona’s inks are clean and crisp throughout and really bring out Sandoval’s pencils off the page. This is only enhanced by Prianto’s very vivid choice of colors and having the reds and yellows surrounding Flash and companion in sharp contrast to the icy blues of Captain Cold’s Central City.

Our Score:


A Look Inside