ROM Micronauts #5 Review

by Olivier Roth on May 15, 2018

Writer: Christos Gage

Artist: Paolo Villanelli

Colorist: Alessandra Alexakis

Letterer: Shawn Lee

Published by: IDW


Over the years, one thing that always come to mind when it comes to mini-series when they end is: will what happens in this storyline have any repercussions on the main title(s). This is the case with ROM MIcronauts with its final issue.


Throughout this series, we’ve seen ROM get miniaturized, we’ve seen Baron Karza seemingly snatch victory from our heroes, and we’ve seen the Wraiths wreck general havoc on everything they come into contact with.


We’ve also been privy to some awesome scenes with the various Micronauts, an existential crisis, a daughter out to right the wrongs of her father, and generally get to know who these characters are.


In the end however, was this mini-series worth it? I would say yes, and if you can’t track down the individual issues, it would be worth a read in trade. This final issue sees the Micronauts, ROM, and their allies finally confront the Wraiths and Baron Karza, and the choice that is made at the end, which I will not spoil, is one that will indeed have future repercussions if IDW ever goes back to the Micronauts franchise. It was very well executed and left me actually wondering what would happen next. A feat that is not always accomplished with this type of series.

Our Score:


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