Star Wars Adventures #17 Review

by NumidianPrime on January 30, 2019

Writers: Kevin Burke, Chris “Doc” Wyatt, Michael Moreci

Artists: Valentina Pinto, Arianna Florean, Adele Matera

Letterer: Tom B. Long

Publisher: IDW


The main story of Adventures #17 is our second Resistance tale from Kevin Burke and Chris “Doc” Wyatt, writers for the show itself. The story is unrelated to the one from the previous issue: Kaz and BB-8 run into thieves and Kaz must use his new knowledge of the inner workings of the station to stop them.

I didn’t enjoy this story quite as much as I enjoyed the previous one. It wasn’t bad but it felt more like a backup story than a main story. I don’t think it needed to be as long as it was. Still, seeing Kaz’s fantasy at the start of the issue was nice and I’ll always enjoy the dynamic between BB-8 and Kaz. I really like when Adventures gets people already familiar with certain characters to write stories about them (for example, Alan Tudyk writing a K2 story), because you can feel the familiarity in the final stories. I wouldn’t mind getting more Resistance stories down the line, maybe to tie into the second season that recently got picked up.

The Flight of the Falcon backup was great as usual. Bazine tracks down Proxima and questions her about the last time she saw the Millennium Falcon, when Han and Chewie visited Corellia after the events of Solo: A Star Wars Story. The parallels to the film were fun to see, and there’s a reference to a certain classic Legends character that I loved seeing.

Part of me thinks it would have been better for Flight of the Falcon to be the main stories with the Resistance and Poe stories of the last few issues being the backups. Moreci is a very efficient storyteller, he packs a lot into eight pages, but I’d love to see him with more, and the main stories haven’t quite felt interesting enough to be the spotlight of the issue lately.


Overall, the issue has a decent main story and a really good backup. Next issue is our last regular Flight of the Falcon story before the big one shot to tie the entire publishing line up, I’m really excited to see Moreci tackle what might be the biggest story of the line so far: how Ducain stole the Falcon. I’ll be sad to see the line come to an end, I’ve been enjoying it every issue. Really hoping to see Moreci on something longer in the future. I’ve had a hard time keeping up with physical comics lately but this is one trade I’m definitely buying. Next month is also the start of a trio of prequel team-up stories, I can’t wait to see how that goes.

Our Score:


A Look Inside