Hashtag: Danger #1 Review

by Nathan Koffler on May 01, 2019

Hashtag: Danger
Writer: Tom Peyer
Artist: Chris Giarrusso

Writer: Paul Constant
Artist: Fred Harper
Colorist: Lee Loughridge
Letterer: Rob Steen

Notes on the Successful Completion of a Homunculus
Writer: Mark Russell
Illustrator: Alan Robinson

Chez Sirius
Writer: Gunnar De Winter
Illustrator: Charlie Sam

After Hashtag: Danger made an impression on me after seeing the shorts in the back of earlier AHOY Comics titles, I was thrilled to see it get its own series. I was definitely curious how the hilarious five-page mini-series was going to translate to more pages and keep me interested. But Tom Peyer is a talented writer, so I had no doubt that he’d be able to make this work and keep me laughing at these characters. The series does keep its old format of five-page sections, we just get more of those sections back to back. This format works so well for the story because of how dialogue driven it is.

Sure enough, I was pulled into Hashtag: Danger’s first issue with an extremely strong force as Einstein, Sugar Rae, and Desiree start the issue with a hilarious argument. Hashtag: Danger’s strongest characteristic may be the comedy chemistry that the three main characters have. Their conversations and arguments are constantly clever and humorous and that is just as interesting, if not more so, than a whole lot of action-packed pages.

Both the writing and artwork in this first issue are so sharp and strong and create some really funny moments. There are times where is drags just a little bit, but the series’ speed helps keep the readers’ interest on track.

Of course, what sets AHOY Comics titles apart the most is the amount of extra stuff behind each issue and this issue’s bonus content is an excellent collection of humor. For instance, in the notes after Hashtag: Danger, we find out what AHOY really stands for and the story behind it!

Within the few other backup pieces, the short comic immediately following Hashtag: Danger is a comedic look at an old comedian out at a venue for the night. The concept may be kind of simple, but the conversation is constantly amusing and hilarious.

Hashtag: Danger #1 is great AHOY comics series that has everything that made the first few AHOY Comics so enjoyable. The content isn’t just high in quantity, but it’s all high quality content as well.

Our Score:


A Look Inside