Ms. Marvel #1

by kanchilr1 on February 05, 2014

G. Willow Wilson - Writer
Adrian Alphona - Artist
Ian Herring - Color Art
VC’s Joe Caramagna - Lettering


When Ms. Marvel was announced, I was worried that Marvel was flooding the current market, as they are almost competing with themselves, since they are publishing titles like Captain Marvel. Even with a new minority character whose existence is almost instantly justifiable, it still kind of sucks to have them delivering such an immense amount of material each month. It also places expectations for this title extremely high, as it must find it’s place among a market that is so incredibly crowded in order to survive. I am very happy to report that this issue proves that Kamala Khan does have a place among the large breadth of content vying for your attention every Wednesday. We follow Khan’s journey in Jersey City, as she grows tired of her life in High School, due to the way she is being constrained by her very old fashioned Pakistani family. The heroine has dreams about flying up in the sky with Captain Marvel, piloting one of Iron Man’s spare suits, and fighting Nazi’s with Captain America. The back half off the story taps into her primal desires and in a strange dreamlike sequence, gives her everything she has ever asked for. This means that is an extremely decompressed issue that has been completely spoiled by solicitations and press surrounding the series. While that is disappointing, something about it is just so incredibly endearing.


Readers are given a glimpse into a parallel world set against a narrative that they are very familiar with featuring a geeky character that is similar to Peter Parker. Author G. Willow Wilson does a great job balancing a new cast, a strange culture, and modern superheroics in a manner that is charming. The opening sequence is setup in a humorous fashion involving a sandwich that pulled me headfirst into the story, and kept me intrigued until the very last page. Many have really been pining for a tale that shares how an everyday citizen of the Marvel Universe would react to some of the large scale events that are taking place in the crazy world. This is one department where this first installment absolutely thrives, a small bit from Infinity is expanded in one direction that ends up giving this a man on the street feel. Those expecting something different in modern superhero comics should really give Ms. Marvel a try. People who are looking for a strong minority figure will also happily find an extremely well written one in the form of Kamala.


Adrian Alphona’s initial sketches had me really nervous about this book. The Canadian Artist’s work is quite a large departure from the normal house style at Marvel, but his eye totally captures the distinctive vibes from this series. The way in which he draws Kamala so innocently lends humor to the moments with the fake superheroes with such pointed ease, shows his raw ability. The only concern that I could possibly have regarding the art of this series, is that Alphona is not going to be able to stay on the series for the proper amount of time, and someone else who lacks his style will suddenly be switched on the series. Because of the very unique approach to the artwork, seeing any other rendition would really be detracting from this visual style.

Kamala Khan’s first issue in the Marvel Universe is handled extremely well with the excellent writing G. Willow Wilson and great art by Adrian Alphona. Those looking for a good representation of female minorities in mainstream superhero comic books need look no further.

Our Score:


A Look Inside