Action Comics #26
Writer Greg Pak Artist Aaron Kuder
Superman has endured lots of mishandling over the past couple of years. DC has tried to revitalize him several times in many different capacities. The industry swooned when Scott Snyder’s Superman Unchained project was announced, but even that fell short of what the character is truly capable of. Unchained does not take advantage of Superman at all. Enter Batman/Superman and Greg Pak. In those stories, the superhuman is taken advantage of in his fullest capacity. In the saga, the writer seemed to understand the big blue boyscout better than anybody else in the industry right now. When he took on full reigns of the big blue boyscout in Action Comics #25, magic engulfed the property once again. In my short personal history with Clark Kent, he is at his strongest when facing the moral dilemma of not being able to save everyone. It is a fascinating human ideal that the full issue is based around, and makes Clark feel more alien and human than anyone else on planet earth. Lana Lang also dealt with some inner turmoil of trying to move on from Smallville. Know that she has stepped away from the hero, she is free to forge her own life.
It is great to see Pak addressing Lana Lang as soon as this issue kicks off. The character retains the new continuity added from the last issue, yet introduces herself in amusing manner to catch new readers up. The bottom line is that she has forged a new path making her unique from Lois and giving her a new character hook. As soon as readers are acclimated to the new status quota, a touch of humor is expertly timed by the creative team. The scribe gets into the more negative aspects of the caped crusaders mind that he touched on in Batman/Superman, yet manages to make Clark incredibly charming. This installment of the book dives into some heavy action sequences, yet manages to retain the awe-inspiring character work that has come to be expected from the writer. Books like this are missing from the New 52, as most titles are not primarily driven by the real people, but by plots from a very strict editorial office. The bottom half of this story hits a plot point from the recent Man Of Steel film, then shows readers why nobody should be writing the screenplay without consulting Greg Pak first.
Aaron Kuder continues to be a lightning bolt of fresh energy for this tale. He brings independent sensibilities to a franchise that needs a sense of focus, and in turns sets a new visual language for his version of the Kryptonian. The different sci-fi settings in the comic let the artist go wild. He has plenty of free flowing energy that is channeled just right into printed page. Lots of rounded circles and imperfect lines flow off of the page, and equate to a stirring and visually dynamic series. The best part of his artwork is how the storytelling sense bleeds into the full page. The bottom line is that is some of the best artwork in comics is printed in Action Comics.
DC needs to be commended for the incredible talent of Greg Pak and Aaron Kuder being put together on a major property. These two Action Comics issues thus far should serve as the bible for people trying to write Superman in the New 52.