Sex Criminals #2
Writer Matt Fraction Artist Chip Zdarsky
The first installment of Sex Criminals was a good time. The comedic elements hit all the right people and impressed the market with some strong sales. Matt Fraction seems to be quite prolific in his work, the writer just wrapped on FF and Fantastic Four. He is now set and ready to go for both Inhumanity and Inhuman. The big question is whether we can expect the same level of quality for the works like Sex Criminals and Satellite Sam in the middle of all this crazy Marvel onslaught. The industry is definitely paying attention to the creator owned work, Fraction made mention of this himself in recent interviews. The author stated that Satellite Sam sold beyond his wildest dreams. This book has also drummed quite a bit of interest, the swanky strip club launch party from the first installment of Sex Criminals also seemed to help matters. After a quick google search, readers can get easy access to illustrator of the title Chip Zdarsky in a Garfield suit. No further context is given as to why the suit is a factor, yet none is needed. The best thing about the opening chapter of the book, was the wonderfully quirky vibe that was captured through random flashes of brilliance like the fetish suit wearing penciller. This has already gone to some really dark places, like discovering the horrific aspects of sex, a feeling of isolation, and a close look in the stranger parts of alcoholism. Still, there was a certain magic to the incredible opening chapter that made it one of my favorite comics of 2013. Can this level of quality possibly be sustained?
What is a perfect comic book? The first two issues of Sex Criminals may be as close as perfect as one could possibly get. There is such an irresistible feeling of brevity readily apparent in this series for all who are curious. If porn is even remotely a factor of your life, this is an instant must read. The narrative is going to get more and more experimental here, as Fraction has divulged in further interviews. The sprinkles of weirdness start leaking out in two distinct moments ensuing here. The weird direction that further issues could take, could lead to this tale into being the boldest, most wildly experimental title on store shelves.
A specific paragraph should be mentioned about the design aspects featured here. It is a big part of the reason why this comic is so incredibly enjoyable. The cover has some interesting subdued color elements, which make it standout from everything else on the store shelves. Then, we are given a blurb about indica type that made me laugh out loud. Nobody in their right mind should expect something so sinister lurking beneath the boring credits page. Straight after there is a plot synonymous that is strikingly beautiful in it’s sheer stupidity. Before you even start reading the proper interior pages, you will be laughing hysterically.
Chip Zdarsky is a national treasure, and from here on out deserves to be treated as such. There is nothing in this title except for expressive characters, sharp colors, and fascinating costume design. In other words, if you are not interested in wonderful comic book art, this may not be the title for you. Jokes are all about timing, and many would fall flat without the mad style of the penciller accelerating the reading pace. There is also an uncanny amount of detail cramming the page, adding even more humor to the lighter tale. It is beginning to seem more clear why Zdarsky is someone not to be taken lightly. If he injects all of his work with this high level of creativity, he is a force to be reckoned with.
Is Sex Criminals the perfect comic book? We may never know, but it is the finest duo of opening issues I have read in my seven years of comic book reading. Here’s to Fraction and Zdarsky for their career defining work.