Lazarus #3

by kanchilr1 on August 27, 2013

The Team
Writer Greg Rucka Artist Michael Lark

The entire comic book industry is under the spell of Lazarus, a forward thinking mob drama with heavy science fiction undertones. The first two issues have been seemingly worth the hype in some ways as this big world is being established quite well. On the other hand, there is a serious sense of repetition with writer Greg Rucka and Michael Lark on this series. There are some intense parallels that readers can draw to works like Gotham Central, yet Lazarus still remain so be an engaging read. The other problem is that it is hard to read where exactly this series is moving plot wise. The main character Forever seems like an open book in the way she is a device used to react off of other her family. These are minor quibbles with the surroundings of this scenario, the fact that I can get into this world so easily is a testament to the writing here. So far Rucka and Lark have earned the trust of the reader to follow them as they dig deeper into the world being created before your very eyes. This is a title expanding the industry with new concepts and ideas dressed up in some older themes.

Similar to the other work of Rucka and company, this world tends to pull the audience in. To get those bigger plot moments, most will have to sit back and enjoy the quieter moments being built from week to week. Due to the way it is written, this would be a product better enjoyed when the entirety of the comic is available to read. As someone who just recently caught up with Gotham Central, I can speak to the fact that the tone lends itself to the comic book equivalent of binge watching. In fact this product should be spreading amongst the mainstream, these kinds of stories are being consumed on television in massive quantities.

This series has done a great job playing to the strengths of the penciller so far. The dire tone is complemented by the haunting artwork of a comic book veteran like Lark. Within these pages, he earns the title of storyteller as that just so happens to be a big focus for him. There are a lot of talking heads in this issue, making the individuals look alive is a tall order for any storyteller. In this installment the artisan sets out to do just that, and shows readers why he is the right fit for this book. The people inside of this issue are not posing in static, they are acting with a certain fluidity that is astounding. Due to the style of the pencils, it is hard to imagine the sci-fi elements working on the visual level. Scenes with monitors blurring bright colors show how the genres can work together to create an astounding level of beauty. Readers should have no problems with the level of craft in the storytelling delivered in this installment.

With razor sharp world building and some personal moments being built masterfully. Lazarus continues to prove my slight problems void as Rucka and Lark craft an engrossing narrative.

Our Score:


A Look Inside