New Avengers #25

by Kalem Lalonde on October 20, 2014

Written by: Jonathan Hickman
Art by: Kev Walker

“See. This is why everyone thinks you people are always up to something. Because you are.”

New Avengers has been quite an emotional comic. It’s a very powerful analysis of what lies between good and evil and what true heroism is. Last issue began the ultimate arc of New Avengers in amazing fashion. Hickman’s time jump was a brilliant way of giving the book new life before it could have started to dwell. Time Runs Out’s sophomore issue is another strong issue in a top-notch series. Hickman is aiming big and this grandiose story is looking like a perfect hit.

One missing element to New Avengers #24 was the main characters. The illuminati were sidelined in order to place the Cabal and Doctor Doom in the forefront. This wasn’t a problem but it would have been if the illuminati weren’t featured in this issue. One must trust Hickman, however and this issue is filled with the illuminati. Even including new members like Amadeus Cho and Captain Britain. This is the first I’ve read of both characters, but they seem like a natural fit into this team. Cho adds some great humour to a book that is otherwise gloomy and solemn. His appearance has a direct connection to the events of Avengers #35 as we witness the issue’s end from the illuminati’s perspective. If you’re reading New Avengers, you must be reading Avengers now. The ties between the series are no longer referential, they are direct intertwined which is very rewarding for long time readers such as myself.

This issue really could have been New Avengers #24 and rather than feeling like the sophomore issue of this arc, it’s complimentary to the first one. This is a great approach to telling a story with so many players involved because Hickman keeps every issue tightly focused. There is no jumping around between 4 different storylines like Avengers #35, its one cohesive whole that fits in with previous issues very well.

The jump in time doesn’t feel jarring here and the location and state of our characters feels like a natural continuation of everything that was going on before. There is some unexplained material with Sue Richards’ new militant and hardcore demeanour but I’m eager for Hickman to reveal the nature of this change. There is a slight lack of context with what the Illuminati are up to but I’m sure Hickman will make sense of this all in the coming months.

After an exquisite showing from Valerio Schiti last month, Kev Walker returns to pencil this issue. His previous work on this series was adequate if not up to par with the likes of Schiti or Deodato. His pencils seemed rushed beforehand but in this issue the quality of his work vastly improves. He draws great emotions with some very precise facial work particularly with Reed Richards. My only insignificant complaint about the art is the lack of a 4 on Reed’s chest in one panel, but that’s a small flaw in otherwise impressive work.

New Avengers #25 continues this series’ revitalized momentum with Time Runs Out. It has now begun to closely intersect with the events of Avengers and reading both series is a requirement at this point. It’s a phenomenal series with high concept ideas, poignant situations and amazing character drama. Issue #25 takes a look into what the Illuminati have been up recently without delving straight into their doings. There’s a new sense of mystery created, leaving me eager to read the forthcoming issues. It’s a slow burn, but greatness can’t be rushed.

Our Score:


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