The Flash #55 Review

by Hussein Wasiti on September 26, 2018

Writer: Joshua Williamson
Artist: Scott Kolins
Colourist: Luis Guerrero
Letterer: Steve Wands
It pleases me to inform you that as of this issue, this book is consistently fun again and that's all I need from a Flash book.
After the death, or disappearance, of Trickster, Barry is on the alert for other instances of anyone using one of the new Force powers he keeps going on about. So far we've seen the Strength Force, and it seems Joshua Williamson will be focusing on the Sage Force with this arc. This involves Heatwave in a truly bizarre plot that I can't wait to see more of in the coming issues.
Williamson is finally honing in on Barry's personal life which is very satisfying to me. He's not even extraordinarily late to a meetup he has with some friends, which felt like a change of pace. He's even given Commander Cold a change of clothes, and it's these kinds of beats that make me appreciate a story much more.
And nothing beats the inclusion of Scott Kolins in this book. His facial work is really top-notch, and his layouts are incredibly impressive. Lately Kolins has been rushing his art so it feels good to see Kolins at the top of his game.
This was a quick read and a good time. I'm glad to be enjoying this book again and it's coupled with some incredible art.

Our Score:


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