Thomas Alsop #1

by F.D. White on June 18, 2014

Written by: Chris Miskiewicz
Art by: Palle Schmidt

“What is Thomas Alsop? Who is Thomas Alsop?” These are questions that Thomas Alsop presents at the very beginning of its story. A story that is sure to pique the interest of Hellblazer fans, Thomas Alsop is a re-tread of the snarky magician who somewhat reluctantly saves the world while living a life of debauchery. I’m not entirely sure who Thomas Alsop is just yet, beyond a fill-in for the John Constantine of Vertigo years. He hasn’t entirely been fleshed out. He’s one dimensional to say the best.

On the flip-side of the story, we get to see Thomas Alsop’s great great great great grandfather, who was the original hand of the island. We get the necessary exposition dump to explain the family’s demon hunting lineage, but beyond that not very much in terms of characterization. Speaking of demon hunting, it’s very disappointing that for a title about a demon hunter to feature very little at all in either story line. There’s just enough magic to let the reader know they’re reading a comic that involves magic, but it doesn’t take the forefront. And that’s okay, but unfortunately there isn’t anything to take its place. There isn’t anything in this book that draws me in.

In the art department, were treated to a fittingly gritty art style which is surprisingly done in watercolors. It’s not pretty, but I don’t think it’s meant to be. It’s sloppy and dirty, and looks like a used rag (I mean this in a complimentary way). The colors are equally grimy, during the present day sections that is. In the past sections, for some reason (artistic or whatever) there is no color at all. The drawings take on a pale white overtone, without any deep blacks it looks washed out. Like I said before, I’m not completely sure of the reason for this, but it doesn’t do the book any favors.

So “What is Thomas Alsop?” to be honest I’m not sure. It’s part knock-off Hellblazer, part supernatural Scarlet Letter. I don’t think the story has found its footing just yet, but it definitely has the potential to turn itself around.

F.D. White is currently writing his own comic titled "Gone Fishing". Look out for it this summer! You can follow him on Twitter @fdwhite19

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