Cutter #2

by Forrest.H on October 08, 2014

Cutting up the competition 

Writing: Robert Napton & Seamus Kevin Fahey
Art: Christian DiBari
Publisher: Minotaur Press, Top Cow Productions, Image

Cutter 1 was a mixed bag: a Carrie-esque premise with classic horror art and tension executed by skilled writers and artist but also confusing and a little long winded, not to mention that the exquiste art was missing a needed touch of color to change things up.

Cutter 2 is entirely different: a tightly told story with tension, horror and forward momentum that makes the 32 page read fly by.

Napton and Fahey add background and needed context to the story of possibly dead Emily and her need for revenge against the living members of her high school class and hometown. We discover that, similar to the titular Carrie of movie and book fame, she was shunned, shamed and tormented by the people around her until she met an untimely demise...maybe. Either undead or never dead, Emily is back for revenge. She's back, that is, as the Cutter and it's more or less confirmed in this issue. It's a classic story that is expertly advanced this issue in a way that the first issue didn't totally capture. The final few action scenes are terrifying and tense in the best ways and the cliffhanger-sucker-punch ending is a perfect lead into issue 3.

DiBari's art is used to a much better effect this time around. I didn't notice that this issue was again printed in only black and white until I really paid attention to it. His mix of scrambled and clean lines does a great job of conveying grit and edginess and Emily, or her ghost, or whatever she is, is a frightful sight. It's also worth noting that when the story is less dialogue heavy like it is in this issue that the black and white is actually used to a great effect instead of detracting. Horror, pulp and real great tension all rolled into one in a great improvement over the previous issue even if all the characters have the same haircut.

I don't think this book would succeed the way it does in any other season than the Halloween/October one and I think employing the weekly release method was an excellent decision that may bring readers back even next October to revisit this. 


Our Score:


A Look Inside