TMNT: Bebop and Rocksteady Destroy Everything #3

by Brandon Davenport on June 14, 2016

Last time, more time traveling business happened, and that’s about it. The Turtles and their animal enemies are traveling through time causing shenanigans to happen, in theory, although, not much has happened. Fortunately, that changes somewhat in this issue.

The writing, while humorous at times, is still pretty slow. Most of the dialogue between the characters is, once again, dull exposition trying to explain the time traveling. The rest of the dialogue, outside of the better written crumbs, are exclamations and quips when the all the characters duke it out. Ultimately, it’s alright. A little improvement over the past couple issues, admittedly.

The time traveling situation furthers itself deeper into the rabbit hole, and it shows. By the end of it all, so many events happen and so many characters show up, it’s a little difficult, especially people new to the TMNT comics, to keep track of the who’s who. Although, as the later parts of the book imply, some characters in the TMNT mythos get involved in the crazy business, and anyone who has a general knowledge of the universe should understand that, in theory, these events should have some repercussions in the later issues. Yes, finally, something that matters happens, and it’s actually kinda cool (provided these events pay off in the future)!!

The action set-piece in the issue feels so busy, however, it’s hard to keep track of what’s going on and why exactly it happens in the first place. Although, I can’t help but feel the busier parts are for fanservice mostly, although I could be wrong (Long time readers, I assume, will understand what I mean towards the latter half of the book).

The art is incredibly frantic, energetic, colorful, and expressive. Although, some of the panels feel a bit busy, especially when the action kicks in. That’s the least of this series’ problems though, so it’s not a big deal. At least there is something good to look at while the characters drone on about time travel … again.

Bebop and Rocksteady themselves are still getting into the process of destroying everything, so at least the series is gaining some momentum, thank goodness. I am almost glad I stuck around. Hopefully the series gets even better in the coming issues.

Our Score:


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