Green Lanterns #16
Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Niel Edwards
Colourist: Blond
Publisher: DC Comics
As much as I am a fan of Batman I do definitely have to agree that he is put in way to many stuff and I feel this is a chief example of that. After two pretty good arcs, we start off this arc as Batman works with the Green Lanterns. This is definitely an interesting idea and concept, as you have the rookies with the seasoned expert a trope that many have seen before.
As much as I am a fan of Sam Humphries’ Green Lanterns series, this issue does take a repetitive trope and try to make it interesting, but unfortunately to no avail. What could be an interesting mini arc as Batman trains and works with the lanterns, quickly devolves into a gun debate.
Now in last weeks Deathstroke #11 we saw this conversation done really well. However in this it felt like it was an unnecessary argument between Batman and Simon about whether or not he should bring along a gun, into the investigation. Now not only does Simon barely use his gun, but Batman literally works with Red Hood, so does make the debate seem like a filler point in this issue.
On the positives I would say that it does definitely give us an interesting take on Scarecrow, as it seems somehow he has gotten control of the yellow lantern light. I say light and not ring as it does not seem to look like he possesses a ring. This is particularly interesting since this idea has been entertained in both Green Lantern and in Blackest Night. So would be interesting to see how he fairs against the 2 new green lanterns.
Artist: Niel Edwards
Colourist: Blond
Publisher: DC Comics
As much as I am a fan of Batman I do definitely have to agree that he is put in way to many stuff and I feel this is a chief example of that. After two pretty good arcs, we start off this arc as Batman works with the Green Lanterns. This is definitely an interesting idea and concept, as you have the rookies with the seasoned expert a trope that many have seen before.
As much as I am a fan of Sam Humphries’ Green Lanterns series, this issue does take a repetitive trope and try to make it interesting, but unfortunately to no avail. What could be an interesting mini arc as Batman trains and works with the lanterns, quickly devolves into a gun debate.
Now in last weeks Deathstroke #11 we saw this conversation done really well. However in this it felt like it was an unnecessary argument between Batman and Simon about whether or not he should bring along a gun, into the investigation. Now not only does Simon barely use his gun, but Batman literally works with Red Hood, so does make the debate seem like a filler point in this issue.
On the positives I would say that it does definitely give us an interesting take on Scarecrow, as it seems somehow he has gotten control of the yellow lantern light. I say light and not ring as it does not seem to look like he possesses a ring. This is particularly interesting since this idea has been entertained in both Green Lantern and in Blackest Night. So would be interesting to see how he fairs against the 2 new green lanterns.