Green Lanterns #12

by Batmanaruto on December 07, 2016

Writer: Sam Humphries
Artist: Eduardo Panisca
Colourist: Blond

If you have read my previous reviews you would know that I have had so much praise for this current arc written by Sam Humphries. It’s both interesting but something that is just so new to the Green Lantern mythos, luckily this issue is no different, as it furthers the mystery of what Volthoom is doing and how Simon and Jessica will take down the Phantom Lantern.

One thing especially in this book more than in a lot of series I’ve read, is the use of colour in the book. Now the art by Eduardo Pansica is really good, although the way he draws eyes with no pupils does look really weird, I have to praise the use of different colours by Blond. The diversity actually adds a sense of alarm to the situation, as I personally wondered what would happen as Frank changed from colour to colour.

This issue deals with a previous theme brought up in earlier issues, about who says that Simon and Jessica, or anyone else deserves to be a hero. It also delves deeper into their own personal reasons for wanting to take down the Phantom Lantern, and they are really interesting.

However, it is also great to see the story further dive into the backstory of Frank as it shows how he actually broke up relationships and potential relationships to get a lantern ring, and in the latter part it’s funny to see how he doesn’t really know how to talk to people, because of the fact that he has been antisocial. It also tells us and reminds us as readers why Frank is bad as he is a hero, who wants the hero worship, not because it is right.

In conclusion, this arc is actually really going strong and as I have said before I’m interested to see how it finishes, and the role Volthoom will play in this story. One thing I am wondering as well is what will happen to Frank Leminski, whether he will keep the ring or how he will progress as a character.

Our Score:


A Look Inside