Batman #10

by Batmanaruto on November 02, 2016

 Writer: Tom King
Artist: Mikel Janin

This issue continues the great I am Suicide arc, and follows the amazing Batman #9 issue, where Batman assembled his own Suicide Squad. He is now going to go and meet Bane in Santa Prisca, to retrieve Psycho Pirate, and this is where this issue kicks off.

We as readers are still treated to Mikel Janin’s art which is very good. He draws Batman in a smooth way, not rough around the edges. Plus with the support of June Chung’s colouring and Clayton Cowles’ lettering, makes this issue’s art look really good.
Well let me get onto the writing, I personally have really  enjoyed the writing by Tom King on Batman, but this issue and last issue, seem to show his work elevated from his first arc, and his work on Night of the Monster Men, although both of those were pretty good.
Speaking of things getting in the way, the letter to Bruce, was an interesting idea to do, but I personally found it jarring to the overall read of the book, as I read it, I always had to go back to see how it was relevant to what I read before, and by the time I had gotten to the end, I could barely remember what I had read in the beginning.
In conclusion Batman issue 10 really truly is a beautiful read, with an interesting story, that makes me really excited for issue 11, and how Batman will utilize, his Suicide Squad, to further get into the depths of Santa Prisca, defeat Bane and recover Psycho Pirate. However I would say the positing of words in the book, do sometimes distract from the main read.

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