SHUTTER sells out in a flash

stephengervais's picture

Both the second and third issues of the hit fantasy adventure
are rushed to a second printing

The second and third issues of the action-and-mystery-packed hit Image Comics fantasy adventure series SHUTTER, written by Joe Keatinge (GLORY, TECH JACKET) and drawn by Leila del Duca, have sold out completely at the distributor level and are being fast-tracked for new printings to meet customer demand.

Shutter has been such a wonderful revelation,” said Eric Stephenson, Publisher at Image Comics. “I thought it was a great idea when Joe first pitched the series, but it wasn’t until I saw the amazing work Leila was doing that it had its fullest impact on me. What she’s doing with Joe’s scripts makes each issue such a rewarding read—one of those books you want to go back to again and again to make sure you catch every little thing—and based on what I’ve seen so far, this is a series that’s just going to get better and better as it moves along.”

“The best comics bring something NEW to the table,” added Robert Kirkman, Image Comics partner and creator of THE WALKING DEAD. “Shutter by Joe Keatinge and Leila Del Duca is so completely and utterly new that it reminds you of the potential of this medium.”

Kate Kristopher, the star of SHUTTER, left behind the life of adventure her father left to her in favor of something approaching normalcy. Now, however, her secret siblings are crawling out of the woodwork, she's being hassled by rat kids in cute outfits, and must face down assassins of all stripes, themes, and species before finally discovering what other secrets her father kept from her. Beautifully drawn and full of old-school adventure, SHUTTER’s adventure is just beginning and there’s no better time than now for readers to join her Indiana-Jones-style action-packed journey.

Praise for SHUTTER:

“I fell into this world and didn't want to come out. I'm hooked.” —Sci-Fi Pulse

“It's a credit to Keatinge, Del Duca, Gieni, and Brisson as storytellers that I am already this vested in both the character and setting.” —Newsarama

“Del Duca can tell a story in a look, whether it's a half-opened, sleepy eye or angry glare… Beautiful work, all the way through… Add this one to your pull list.” —IGN

“Del Duca's imaginative art plays incredibly well with Keatinge's whimsical story, and both creators excel at keeping readers guessing and eagerly anticipating next issue.” —Comic Book Resources

Shutter has definitely piqued my curiosity; it's a completely different world from anything else in comics right now, and there's so much to unpack. It's also fantastic to look at; I'm truly fascinated by Leila Del Duca's imaginative pages. They're bold, they're high-energy, and they're just so full of amazing details that I want to see what's next.” —ComicVine

SHUTTER #2 and #3 have completely sold out at the distributor level, but may still be available in comic stores. They are currently available digitally on the Image Comics website ( and the official Image Comics iOS app, as well as on Comixology on the web (, iOS, Android, and Google Play.

Image Comics is pleased to announce that both these issues will be going back to print to meet customer demand. The second printing of SHUTTER #2 (Diamond Code MAY148087) and SHUTTER #3 (Diamond Code MAY148088) will release on 7/16.  

SHUTTER #4 will be available in stores on 7/9 and can be pre-ordered with Diamond Code MAY140729.


