Rick Remender & Greg Tocchini's LOW #1 release date and early artwork revealed

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The new series from Rick Remender & Greg Tocchini

Image Comics is pleased to reveal early artwork from Rick Remender (BLACK SCIENCE, DEADLY CLASS) and Greg Tocchini's (Last Days of American CrimeUncanny X-Force) new series, LOW, to whet the comics industry's appetite. The forthcoming science-fiction fantasy series was announced at Image Expo in January and sparked a buzz of early interest. The official release date for LOW #1 has been set for July 30.


Frequent collaborators Remender and Tocchini dive into an aquatic, sci-fi fantasy, following two teams, from the last remaining cities undersea, as they race to the most unexpected alien world of all—the surface of Earth. 


LOW #1 will be available on July 30th for $3.99, but you can pre-order order it now with Diamond Code: MAY140566. 






